VIRT2UE Certification

From The Embassy of Good Science

VIRT2UE Certification

Instructions for:TraineeTrainer
Related Initiative
These instructions provide information on how to obtain the VIRT2UE training certificate.
This material is part of the VIRT2UE train the trainer program and is meant for trainers and trainees involved in the training.
Duration (hours)
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What is this about?

By registering for the VIRT2UE train-the-trainer program participants have the opportunity to become certified research integrity trainers. The certificate confirms that they are didactically skilled research integrity trainers. Participants receive the certificate when they have completed the online and the face-to-face courses and trained ten further researchers.

Ideally, trainees should participate in all training sessions, practice the five exercises in the interim period between the meetings, and train 10 further researchers in at least three of the five exercises. However, these requirements can be adapted if necessary (for example in small research communities where it is difficult to find 10 interested researchers to train) and it is at the discretion of the trainer if a trainee has completed enough of the course to merit the certificate. If they feel confident about their skills, trainees can already train 10 further researchers during the interim period between the face-to-face meetings, rather than only practicing the exercises.
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Complete the 60 hour VIRT2UE course

As a trainee, you must complete the three online modules and attend the sessions in which you will learn how to facilitate the five participatory exercises. If you miss a session due to illness or other obligations, we ask you to attend the ‘practice’ of the exercise that was the focus of the session conducted by one of your course mates and also practice facilitating the exercise yourself. Afterwards, you reflect on your experience by filling in the reflection form.

Train 10 researchers in the VIRT2UE approach

In order to gain the VIRT2UE certificate, you need to train 10 researchers in the VIRT2UE approach. The VIRT2UE program consists of three online modules and five participatory exercises. We consider it sufficient if you train 10 researchers in 3 out of the 5 participatory exercises - this would provide the researchers a firm grounding in a virtue ethics approach to research integrity.

The training of 10 researchers can be completed as part of the 'practice' of the participatory exercises during the program, or after the program has finished.

It is possible to provide participating researchers with further information so that they can go on to become trainers themselves. This is optional, and you do not need to do this to obtain the VIRT2UE certificate. If you would indeed like to train people to become trainers, then you must ensure that your trainees read the VIRT2UE guide for trainers on The Embassy of Good Science (in addition to the one for trainees) and attend an additional session to exchange experiences of facilitating the exercises. If necessary, this exchange of experiences can be replaced by a written exercise, peer coaching and/or a video conference if an in-person meeting is not possible (for example, during the pandemic).

Discuss assignments and achievements with your trainer

After completing the training and after having trained 10 researchers (time investment 60 h) you are eligible to receive the 'Trainer' certificate from the VIRT2UE consortium. Please discuss with your trainer to check that you have indeed met all of the course requirements.

Obtain the certificate

To obtain the VIRT2UE certificate, you need to create a learning portfolio. The portfolio needs to include:

You should also include the address you would like the certificate sent to (this can be a work or home address)!


This training has been developed by the VIRT2UE project, which has received funding form the European Union’s H2020 research program under grant agreement N 741782.

What is this about?

In order to become certified VIRT2UE trainers, trainees need to complete the online and the face-to-face courses and train ten further researchers. The training of ten further researchers can be completed during or after the duration of the program.

Practical Tips

Ideally, trainees should participate in both face-to-face meetings, practice the five exercises in the interim period between the meetings, and train ten further researchers afterwards. However, this structure can be adapted (if necessary) as follows:

1) Training other trainers

The training of ten further researchers can be completed during or after the duration of the program and needs to encompass all five exercises. Trainees can decide to either train the ten researchers to also become trainers or as regular course participants. In the former case the training needs to cover the didactical aspects of the program, whereas in the latter case this is not necessary.

If they feel confident about their skills, trainees can already train ten further researchers during the interim period between the face-to-face meetings, rather than only practicing the exercises. For didactical reasons it is recommend to first practice the exercises before organizing a full training, yet the decision is up to trainees.

2) Second face to face meeting

The second face-to-face meeting can be replaced by a writing exercise, peer coaching and/or a video conference if attending is organizationally infeasible or prohibitively costly for a trainee. Trainees need to provide compelling reasons if they would like to be exempted from taking part in the second face to face meeting.
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Issue training certificate

Ask trainees to send you their learning portfolios, including:

1) evidence that they have trained 10 researchers (screenshot of video conference tool/attendance sheet/attendance declaration);

2) an overview of tasks completed;

3) reflection forms detailing their experiences facilitating the 5 participatory exercises.

You may distribute this table which can be used to create an overview of tasks completed.

The certificate confirms that they are didactically skilled research integrity experts.


This training has been developed by the VIRT2UE project, which has received funding form the European Union’s H2020 research programme under grant agreement N 741782.

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