Approved revisions
From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 ss ordered by recently added
- A virtue ethics guide to best practices for community-based participatory research
- One PhD student, a retraction, and an unconvincing rebuttal
- How trustworthy?
- Misconduct oversight at the DOE: Investigation closed
- Stanford University's Resources on Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences' Science Ethics Code
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Instant Paper
- Giving Proper Credit
- Research misconduct
- HEIRRI courses
- Bothered and Bewildered But not Bewitched
- The Ethics of Public Health Research on Less Expensive, Less Effective Interventions
- Alliance of German Science Organisations' Principles for the Handling of Research Data
- Digital Trespass: Ethical and Terms-of-Use Violations by Researchers Accessing Data From an Online Patient Community
- Psychology of misbehavior (in Dutch)
- Treatment of missing data in follow-up studies of randomised controlled trials: A systematic review of the literature
- Quality Enhancement Handbook for Icelandic Higher Education
- Guidelines for research institutions on managing competition and publication pressure
- The TRUST Code - a Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships
- Research misconduct in a grant application for the National Institutes of Health
- Serious Accusation of Negligence of Ethical Principles in Human Sciences
- Government Sanctions Harvard Psychologist
- Major indexing service rejects appeals by two suppressed journals
- Health Care Scheduling and Access: A Report From the IOM
- Research Integrity: Podcast Series
- Growing Plagiarism Scandal in Iran
- A framework for assessing the quality of democratic deliberation: enhancing deliberation as a tool for bioethic
- Ethics in Social Science and Humanities
- Sitting in Judgement
- What Universities can Learn from one of Science’s Biggest Frauds
- Analyzing Data From Studies Depicted on Video: An Activity for Statistics and Research Courses
- Italian National Research Council's Research Ethics and Integrity Documents
- The European Union Clinical Trials Directive
- Canaries in the Mines: Children, Risk, Non-Therapeutic Research, and Justice
- The German Council of Science and Humanities ' Recommendations on Academic Integrity
- ORI comes down (hard) on Bengu Sezen, Columbia chemist accused of fraud
- Legal Liabilities in Research: Early lessons From North America
- Five steps to decide what data to keep: a checklist for appraising research data
- Perceptions of authorship criteria: effects of student instruction and scientific experience
- Implications of a Single Highly Cited Article on a Journal and Its Citation Indexes
- Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing
- Avoiding twisted pixels: ethical guidelines for the appropriate use and manipulation of scientific digital images
- A Case Series in Publication Ethics: Multiple Submissions (1)
- Research with human subjects
- Guidance Document for Conducting Internet Research
- A comparison of online versus on-site training in health research methodology: a randomized study
- The publication of controversial views
- Errata
- The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Consultation paper – Research Ethics in Norway