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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 ss ordered by recently added
- Good Practice and Reporting Cases in Finland
- Misconduct Ruling is Silent on Intent
- Research Ethics: Zero Tolerance
- Bias in Historical Description, Interpretation, and Explanation
- The Danish Act on the Research Advisory System
- Becoming an Ethical Researcher
- Swedish plastics study fabricated, panel finds
- Outcomes assessment of role-play scenarios for teaching responsible conduct of research
- Publication/Authorship
- Irish National Principles for Open Access Policy Statement
- ROSiE Field-Specific Guidelines on Responsible Open Science
- Making Choices: Ethical Decisions in a Global Context
- Federation of European Pharmacological Societies (EPHAR) Ethical Code of Conduct
- Getting started in teaching about ethical issues in physics
- Guidelines for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT, Norway)
- Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
- A Data Governance Framework for Ethnography
- Ethics and children's rights: learning from past mistakes
- Handling of Scientific Dishonesty in the Nordic Countries: Early stages in the 1990's
- Strategy for Gender Equality at the Swedish Research Council
- Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management
- NCPRE research role-ply scenarios
- Discovery of Error in One's Own Work
- LIRIcs - Leuven Institutional Research Integrity culture and self-reflection on-line course
- Interactive Guide: Basic research Concepts
- Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
- Facebook Manipulated 689,003 Users' Emotions For Science
- Resident physician plagiarises publications supported by 10 National Institutes of Health grants
- Sample records for guideline development processes
- Premature release of clinical trials data
- Teaching Ethics in Research: A Multidisciplinary Model
- Mantra (research data management training)
- Guidelines for Integrity in Scientific Research
- UKRIO's Guide to good authorship practice in research
- ICH Guidelines
- 'Climate Skeptic' Journal Shuttered Following 'Malpractice' in 'Nepotistic' Reviewer Selections
- Five-step authorship framework to improve transparency in disclosing contributors to industry-sponsored clinical trial publications
- SATORI Project Collection of Resources on the Ethical Assessment of Research and Innovation
- Reproducibility and Replicability in Science
- The AVATAR method: historical empathy through imagination
- An innovation in teaching ethics to medical students
- Danish National Strategy for Open Access
- Self-plagiarism case prompts calls for agencies to tighten rules
- Law on Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania
- The Dutch Code on Prevention of Undue Influence through Conflicts of Interest
- Institutional review board approval and publication of human research results
- Ethics Framework and Guidelines for Participatory Processes in the Activities of Research Funding Organizations
- Contentious problems in bioscience and biotechnology: a pilot study of an approach to ethics education
- Guest Post — Unethical Practices in Research and Publishing: Evidence from Russia
- When Sociologists Deceive Their Subjects