Oldest pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 ss ordered by recently added
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity - 2023 Edition (ALLEA Code) (10:23, 10 April 2024)
- The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Procedures for Handling Alleged Violations of Research Integrity in Finland (10:31, 10 April 2024)
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity - 2017 Edition (11:28, 10 April 2024)
- CIOMS International guidelines on good governance practice for research institutions (14:07, 10 April 2024)
- Ethics Framework and Guidelines for Participatory Processes in the Activities of Research Funding Organizations (14:10, 10 April 2024)
- High income and low- and middle-income country collaborations (14:23, 10 April 2024)
- ROSiE Field-Specific Guidelines on Responsible Open Science (14:36, 10 April 2024)
- Human rights, democracy, and the rule of law assurance framework for AI systems: A proposal (14:45, 10 April 2024)
- AI Ethics and Governance in Practice: An Introduction (14:49, 10 April 2024)
- AI Sustainability in Practice Part Two: Sustainability Throughout the AI Workflow (14:58, 10 April 2024)
- AI Ethics and Governance in Practice: AI Fairness in Practice (15:04, 10 April 2024)
- AI Sustainability in Practice Part One: Foundations for Sustainable AI Projects (15:07, 10 April 2024)
- Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety: A guide for the responsible design and implementation of AI systems in the public sector (15:11, 10 April 2024)
- Protection of research participants (test) (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- ROSiE Test: Ethical aspects of citizen science (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- Ethical and societal foundations of open science - Case Study (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- Protection of Research Participants - Case Study (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- Rights of Citizen Scientists - Case Study (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- Quality of research outputs and data sets -- Case study (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- Conflicts of interest in citizen science - case study (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- ROSiE Test: Quality of data (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- ROSiE Case Study: Quality of research outputs and data sets (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- ROSiE Test: Risks to environment, animals, plants, and ecosystems (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- ROSiE Case Study: Risks to environment, animals, plants, and ecosystems (09:59, 15 April 2024)
- INTEGRITY (16:14, 15 April 2024)
- ROSiE (16:14, 15 April 2024)
- University of Split School of Medicine (MEFST) (16:16, 15 April 2024)
- File:NERQ.png (16:19, 15 April 2024)
- NERQ (16:20, 15 April 2024)
- File:Irecs.png (16:21, 15 April 2024)
- File:PREPARED.jpeg (16:22, 15 April 2024)
- PREPARED (16:22, 15 April 2024)
- File:VOH.png (16:24, 15 April 2024)
- VOH (16:25, 15 April 2024)
- File:XR4HUMAN.png (16:26, 15 April 2024)
- XR4HUMAN (16:27, 15 April 2024)
- File:SOPs4RI.png (16:28, 15 April 2024)
- SOPs4RI (16:29, 15 April 2024)
- File:National Survey on Research Integrity.png (16:30, 15 April 2024)
- National Survey on Research Integrity (16:31, 15 April 2024)
- File:EnTIRE.png (16:32, 15 April 2024)
- EnTIRE (16:32, 15 April 2024)
- File:ProETHICS.jpeg (16:33, 15 April 2024)
- proEthics (16:35, 15 April 2024)
- File:Hybrida.png (16:35, 15 April 2024)
- HYBRIDA (16:36, 15 April 2024)
- File:TECHETHOS.png (16:37, 15 April 2024)
- TechEthos (16:37, 15 April 2024)
- File:Path2Integrity.png (16:38, 15 April 2024)
- Path2Integrity (16:39, 15 April 2024)