Practical Tips (Has Practical Tips)
From The Embassy of Good Science
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Please note that no information will be saved or stored after users have closed the browser window/tab. This has two major implications: (1) Whenever users close their browser window/tab, their progress will not be saved and they will have to start the module anew. It is not necessary to complete the course in one go, but recommended to leave the browser window/tab open (and the computer/laptop running). (2) In case users aim to save their reflections, they are kindly asked to copy/paste their input in a separate document and save it on their computer. +
You can use the following instruction to help participants reflect on their own cases. These handouts are also included in the instructions for trainees.
'''Form for case reflection'''
Think about one situation from your professional life in which you experienced a kind of moral doubt about what to do.
It could be a situation in which you had to face a dilemma and found yourself wondering should I do A or B? Both options might have had undesirable consequences but nevertheless, you had to act and decide what to do.
The purpose of this exercise is to invite you to reflect on your personal experience as a researcher. Please note that not all the cases will be discussed during the exercise. The facilitator will contact you if your case has been selected for discussion during the exercise.
All the cases will be destroyed after the training. Also, if you want you can contact your trainer and ask him to distribute and sign a confidentiality statement.
'''Hand out step five'''
'''Examples of virtues'''<sup>2</sup>''':'''
Resoluteness; Accountability; Availability; Competency; Patience; Perseverance; Reliability; Sincerity; Creativity; Honesty; Objectivity; Humility; Accountability, Punctuality, Trustworthiness/truthfulness, Selflessness; Reflexivity; Clarity of purpose; Collaborative spirit; Fairness; Loyalty; Moderation; Positivity; Respectfulness.
'''Pre-filled example table:'''<br />
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="615"
| width="171" valign="top"|'''Name'''
| width="167" valign="top"|'''Virtue'''
| width="276" valign="top"|'''Norm/action'''
| rowspan="2" width="171" valign="top"|Louise
| width="167" valign="top"|Honesty
| width="276" valign="top"|I should credit all the contributors
| width="167" valign="top"|Courage
| width="276" valign="top"|I should talk to my supervisor
| width="171" valign="top"|Ben
| width="167" valign="top"|Reliability
| width="276" valign="top"|I should do exactly what I promised to my colleague.
'''Handout 1 '''
'''Case reflection - Instructions '''
Think about one situation from your professional life in which you experienced a kind of moral doubt about what to do.
It could be a situation in which you had to face a dilemma and found yourself wondering should I do A or B? Both options might have had undesirable consequences but nevertheless, you had to act and decide what to do.
The purpose of this exercise is to invite you to reflect on your personal experience as a researcher. Please note that not all the cases will be discussed during the exercise. The facilitator will contact you if your case has been selected for discussion during the exercise.
All the cases will be destroyed after the training. Also, if you want you can contact your trainer and ask him to distribute and sign a confidentiality statement.
'''Handout 2 '''
'''Virtues and norms table'''
'''Examples of virtues:'''
Resoluteness; Accountability; Availability; Competency; Patience; Perseverance; Reliability; Sincerity; Creativity; Honesty; Objectivity; Humility; Accountability, Punctuality, Trustworthiness/truthfulness, Selflessness; Reflexivity; Clarity of purpose; Collaborative spirit; Fairness; Loyalty; Moderation; Positivity; Respectfulness.'"`UNIQ--references-00000019-QINU`"'Pre-filled example table:
{| class="sortable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="615"
| width="171" valign="top"|'''Name'''
| width="167" valign="top"|'''Virtue'''
| width="276" valign="top"|'''Norm/action'''
| rowspan="2" width="171" valign="top"|Louise
| width="167" valign="top"|Honesty
| width="276" valign="top"|I should credit all the contributors
| width="167" valign="top"|Courage
| width="276" valign="top"|I should talk to my supervisor
| width="171" valign="top"|Ben
| width="167" valign="top"|Reliability
| width="276" valign="top"|I should do exactly what I promised to my colleague.
|} +
'''Handout 1: Formular für Fallreflexion'''
Übung (individuell): Eine zweifelhafte Situation
Erinnere eine konkrete Situation aus deinem eigenem Wissenschaftsalltag, in der du unsicher warst, was das “richtige” Verhalten ist. Das könnte eine Situation sein, in der du mit einem Dilemma konfrontiert warst und dich gefragt hast: Sollte ich A oder B tun? Beide Optionen hatten möglicherweise unerwünschte Konsequenzen, aber du musstest dich dennoch für eine der beiden entscheiden und danach handeln.
Diese Übung soll dich dazu anregen, über deine persönlichen Erfahrungen im Wissenschaftsalltag nachzudenken. Während der Übung werden nicht alle Situationen der Teilnehmenden diskutiert. Je nachdem, wie die Übung durchgeführt wird, kann es sein, dass dich dein:e Trainer:in im Vorhinein kontaktiert und dir mitgeteilt wird, wenn deine Situation für die Diskussion während der Übung ausgewählt wurde.
Alle Situationsbeschreibungen werden nach der Übung vernichtet. Falls du möchtest und das nicht sowieso passiert, kannst du dein:en Trainer:in darum bitten, eine Vertraulichkeitserklärung zu verteilen und zu unterschreiben.
'''Handout 2: Wert/Tugend und Norm - Tabelle'''
Übung: Perspektivwechsel
'''A)''' '''Wert''': Welcher Wert oder welche Tugend wäre für dich wichtig, um eine Entscheidung zu treffen?
'''B)''' '''Handlung''': Wie solltest du dich in der Situation verhalten, um entsprechend diesem Wert („tugendhaft“) zu handeln? Welcher Handlungsvorschrift solltest du folgen, um diesen Wert in der Situation zu verkörpern? („Ich sollte … tun“; z.B.: Wert: Mut; Handlungsnorm: ich sollte mit meiner Betreuerin sprechen.)
Ausgefüllte Beispieltabelle:
{| class="wikitable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
| width="113" valign="top"|'''Perspektive'''
| width="123" valign="top"|'''Wert / Tugend'''
| width="368" valign="top"|'''Norm / Handlung'''
| rowspan="2" width="113" valign="top"|Louise
| width="123" valign="top"|Ehrlichkeit
| width="368" valign="top"|Ich sollte alle Beteiligten in meinem Manuskript nennen.
| width="123" valign="top"|Mut
| width="368" valign="top"|Ich sollte mit meinem/meiner Betreuer:in sprechen.
| width="113" valign="top"|Ben
| width="123" valign="top"|Verlässlichkeit
| width="368" valign="top"|Ich sollte genau das tun, was ich meinen Kolleg:innen versprochen hatte.
Alt gruplar içerisinde fikir yürütme ve yorumlamayı teşvik etmek için aşağıdaki soruları kullanabilirsiniz:
#Öz beyan formunda iyilik türleri ile ilgili olarak yazdıklarınızı grupla paylaşın. Bir iyilik türü için verdiğiniz örneğin neden o tür için uygun olduğunu düşündüğünüzü açıklayın. Gruptaki arkadaşlarınızın size soru sormasına müsaade edin.
#Her bir iyilik türü için, eğer o iyilik türü mevcut olmazsa neler yaşanabileceğini grup içinde tartışın.
#Araştırma doğruluğuyla görece daha az ilgili olduğunu düşündüğünüz iyilik şekilleri/ türleri var mı?
#Erdemler bütün iyilik türlerine ulaşabilmek için gerekli midir? +
Read the description of the general approach of this workshop.
The debate and dialogue exercise of VIRT2UE is suitable to this fragment. See the description of the steps. +