Orphaned pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in The Embassy of Good Science.
50 s ordered by recently added
- Long distance collaboration
- Plagiarism charge for Romanian minister - Scandal adds to fears that country’s research reform is in peril
- Latvian Academy of Sciences' Code of Ethics for Scientists
- International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects
- Objectivity and Incentives
- Statements About Professional Experience
- A bibliometric analysis of an international research ethics trainee program
- Scandalous behaviour at Medical University of Innsbruck
- Teaching the ethics of scientific research through novels
- Confidentiality
- VLIR Mind the GAP Podcast
- U.S. gov’t researchers withdraw climate paper after using pseudonyms
- Harms and benefits - International research ethics and cultural values
- Misconduct? It's all academic
- Development of an institutional curriculum in ethics and public health
- Reporting Full Findings
- The University of Oslo's Ethical guidelines for supervision relationships
- Linking Data Sets
- Ethical Guidelines for Good Research Practice
- Publication and data ownership
- Respondent Confidentiality
- HEADT Centre: An Introduction to Research Integrity
- On Goffman: Ethnography and the Ethics of Care
- Fabrication and falsification
- The Nutty Professor
- Ethics unwrapped collection
- Data Sharing in Ongoing Projects
- Would You Do a Post Doc with this Guy?
- It’s Time to Get Serious About Research Fraud
- Irish National Forum on Research Integrity's Position Paper on Research Integrity & Research Ethics
- Gluten-free turkeys? Paper on dangers of wheat-based diet in birds retracted
- FDA Inspections Revealing Research Misconduct Hidden from Public View
- A virtue ethics guide to best practices for community-based participatory research
- Misconduct oversight at the DOE: Investigation closed
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Instant Paper
- Giving Proper Credit
- Alliance of German Science Organisations' Principles for the Handling of Research Data
- Treatment of missing data in follow-up studies of randomised controlled trials: A systematic review of the literature
- https://www.unl.edu/gradstudies/connections/best-practices-collaborating-research
- Quality Enhancement Handbook for Icelandic Higher Education
- Guidelines for research institutions on managing competition and publication pressure
- Government Sanctions Harvard Psychologist
- Health Care Scheduling and Access: A Report From the IOM
- Growing Plagiarism Scandal in Iran
- A framework for assessing the quality of democratic deliberation: enhancing deliberation as a tool for bioethic
- Analyzing Data From Studies Depicted on Video: An Activity for Statistics and Research Courses
- Italian National Research Council's Research Ethics and Integrity Documents
- The European Union Clinical Trials Directive
- The German Council of Science and Humanities ' Recommendations on Academic Integrity
- ORI comes down (hard) on Bengu Sezen, Columbia chemist accused of fraud