Orphaned pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in The Embassy of Good Science.
50 s ordered by recently added
- Five steps to decide what data to keep: a checklist for appraising research data
- Perceptions of authorship criteria: effects of student instruction and scientific experience
- Avoiding twisted pixels: ethical guidelines for the appropriate use and manipulation of scientific digital images
- A Case Series in Publication Ethics: Multiple Submissions (1)
- Research with human subjects
- Errata
- Anonymity Declined
- Maintaining Competence
- Fraud and dishonesty in "scientific" publication
- Unhelpful retraction notice about a study that received favourable media attention
- Lab Management instructions
- Macchiarini may be dismissed from Karolinska; dean of research resigns
- Reaction to bias
- Croatia's science minister rejects calls to resign amid plagiarism scandal
- Suborning science for profit: Monsanto, glyphosate, and private science research misconduct
- The lab movie
- Data fabrication in a rejected manuscript
- Improving epistemological beliefs and moral judgment through an STS-based science ethics education program
- Researcher discovers paper published by co-author in another journal
- Duty to Report Ethical Violations of Others
- Handbook for Supporting Training Activities on the data protection Reform
- Ethics Framework and Guidelines for Participatory Processes in the Activities of Research Funding Organizations
- Six domains of research ethics. A heuristic framework for the responsible conduct of research
- Randomized consent designs in randomized controlled trials: systematic literature search
- TRREE on-line training programme on the ethics and regulation of health research involving human participants
- Technician Error Leads to Harm of Animal Subjects
- Hungarian Decree on the system of integrity management at public administration bodies and the procedural rules of receiving lobbyists
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Review Article
- The Case of the Damaged Baby
- French plant biologist cleared of misconduct in new inquiry
- NTU (Nanyang Technological University) Responding to Allegations/Complaints of Research Misconduct
- "Hot" Gifts
- Continuing Research and Protecting Confidentiality
- Environmental journal pulls two papers for “compromised” peer review
- BT Cotton Hoax in a University in India
- The European Union Good Clinical Practice Directive
- The Limits of Expertise
- Data Sharing
- MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice
- Rainy Days for a Struggling Mentee
- Using data not created for research purposes in the context of collaboration with private companies
- Author accused of stealing research and publishing under their name
- The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
- Legal Requests/Requirements for Confidential Data From Research Field Notes
- Is the famous emeritus professor self-plagiarising?
- Columbia grad student faked data in study of socioeconomics and life experiences, says retraction notice
- Ten short cases on publication ethics
- Authorship Deserved, Not Earned: Research Ethics and Research Integrity Scenario
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: Another Magazine Surprise
- Recognizing scientific artifacts in biomedical literature