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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- Addressing the socio-economic consequences of research misconduct
- COPE core practices
- Pressure to disclose confidential research findings
- Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
- Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Failures Lessons Learned from Cautionary Tales
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity - 2023 Edition (ALLEA Code)
- Integrating a peer-taught module on practical research ethics into the graduate student orientation curriculum
- Multiple submission
- The Replication Crisis in Psychology
- A Survey of Doctoral Education in Communication Research Ethics
- Statistical reviewers improve reporting in biomedical articles: a randomized trial
- An author realized a paper had plagiarized his thesis. It took the journal four years to retract it.
- Research by Students
- UK Research Integrity Office's Case Study Collection
- Who Rules the Ruler? On the Misconduct of Journal Editors
- Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (Eurotox) Code of Ethics
- Research Problems at Australian University Hit the News
- The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity
- Misconduct: the stars who fell to earth
- The Saga of Korean Women Who Provided Eggs for Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Swedish Research Council's Conflict of Interest Policy
- Peer review card exchange game
- Vulnerable Populations
- SOPs4RI Guidelines for research institutions on continuous research integrity education
- The Case of Falsified Data
- Research published by Hans Eysenck is unsafe
- The Extent and Causes of Academic Text Recycling or ‘Self-Plagiarism’
- The EQUATOR Network: Reporting guidelines
- Failed Patenting Negotiations in Collaborative Research
- Power to the People
- Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines on How to Handle Authorship Disputes
- Grey areas of plagiarism: 10 scenarios to discuss with students
- A 24-year-old sociology paper found to have plagiarised a 1975 article
- In the matter of J Hendrik Schön
- Banked Samples and HD Testing
- European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH)
- FOSTER project workshop
- Path2Integrity Learning Card S0: Good research is based on honesty
- Research Integrity & Research Ethics: Guidelines of the Austrian Science Funds
- What are the major ethical issues in conducting research? is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing?
- UKRIO's Good practice in internet-mediated research
- A qualitative approach to Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training development: identification of metacognitive strategies
- Research Integrity: the Experience of a Doubting Thomas
- Disclosure of Sources of Grant Funds
- Casuistry – is this RM, QRP or RCR? Three cases with dilemmas
- The Three Rs of Animal Research
- RCR online course: build an online course to augment RCR training using evidenced-based learning theory
- Scientists in Chile Protest Mummy Study
- What to communicate in retraction notices?