Long pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 s ordered by recently added
- (hist) Power to the People [895 bytes]
- (hist) The Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports' Law on Scientific Activity and Higher Education' [894 bytes]
- (hist) A bibliometric analysis of an international research ethics trainee program [894 bytes]
- (hist) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct [893 bytes]
- (hist) Incorporating principles and practical wisdom in research ethics education: a preliminary study [893 bytes]
- (hist) Data anonymity [892 bytes]
- (hist) Researcher discovers paper published by co-author in another journal [890 bytes]
- (hist) Mentoring: minorities [889 bytes]
- (hist) Hazardous materials [888 bytes]
- (hist) European Nuclear Society (ENS) Ethical Charter [888 bytes]
- (hist) Publication planning: promoting an ethics of transparency and integrity in biomedical research [884 bytes]
- (hist) Inexperienced researcher gives too much caffeine to subjects [882 bytes]
- (hist) A framework for assessing the quality of democratic deliberation: enhancing deliberation as a tool for bioethic [880 bytes]
- (hist) NCPRE research role-ply scenarios [880 bytes]
- (hist) Manuscript Guidelines Journals [878 bytes]
- (hist) Guidelines 03/2020 on the processing of data concerning health for the purpose of scientific research in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak [877 bytes]
- (hist) Digital Trespass: Ethical and Terms-of-Use Violations by Researchers Accessing Data From an Online Patient Community [876 bytes]
- (hist) Procrastinating Researcher Delegates Grant Reviews to Trainee [875 bytes]
- (hist) NTU (Nanyang Technological University) Research Integrity Policy [875 bytes]
- (hist) https://www.unl.edu/gradstudies/connections/best-practices-collaborating-research [875 bytes]
- (hist) Peer review [874 bytes]
- (hist) Image Manipulation Detection [873 bytes]
- (hist) Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Failures Lessons Learned from Cautionary Tales [872 bytes]
- (hist) Authorship in a Multi-Center Clinical Trial: the HF-ACTION Experience [872 bytes]
- (hist) The importance of formative assessment in science and engineering ethics education: some evidence and practical advice [872 bytes]
- (hist) Informed Consent with Pre-Testing Convenience Samples [871 bytes]
- (hist) Statements About Professional Experience [870 bytes]
- (hist) Resources for research ethics education [870 bytes]
- (hist) The University of Malta's Research Code of Practice [868 bytes]
- (hist) Research or Services? [868 bytes]
- (hist) Peer review [868 bytes]
- (hist) COPE Journals’ Best Practices for Ensuring Consent for Publishing Medical Case Reports [865 bytes]
- (hist) Business Ethics Perspectives: Faculty Plagiarism and Fraud [865 bytes]
- (hist) Psychology Grad Student Faked Data [864 bytes]
- (hist) Contributors [863 bytes]
- (hist) What to communicate in retraction notices? [863 bytes]
- (hist) Protocol Violations Putting Animal Subjects in Harm’s Way [863 bytes]
- (hist) Researchers Pressured to Store Animal Subjects [860 bytes]
- (hist) Applying Research Findings to Enhance Pre-Practicum Ethics Training [858 bytes]
- (hist) Questioning a Mentor [858 bytes]
- (hist) Overview: underserved areas of education in the responsible conduct of research: authorship [857 bytes]
- (hist) Respondent Confidentiality [856 bytes]
- (hist) The European Union Good Clinical Practice Directive [854 bytes]
- (hist) Research ethics training of trainers: Developing capacity of Bolivian health science and civil society leaders [853 bytes]
- (hist) Croatia's science minister rejects calls to resign amid plagiarism scandal [852 bytes]
- (hist) Central statistical monitoring: detecting fraud in clinical trials [849 bytes]
- (hist) Responsible authorship quick guide [849 bytes]
- (hist) Social Sciences and Humanities Matter. Guidelines on How To Successfully Design and Implement, Mission-Oriented Research Programmes [848 bytes]
- (hist) A scoping review of competencies for scientific editors of biomedical journals. [847 bytes]
- (hist) The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science [847 bytes]