Stakeholder involvement in ethical governance of R&I – a guide for HEFRCs
From The Embassy of Good Science
Stakeholder involvement in ethical governance of R&I – a guide for HEFRCs
What is this about?
This document provides you with methodological guidance on how to design ethical governance activities in the context of strategic development in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres (HEFRCs) wishing to implement an ETHNA System. The guide outlines a set of options and vivid examples for conducting deliberative workshops with key actors in your organisation, e.g., actors from civil society, research, innovation and funding communities, business and industry or policy makers.
By engaging stakeholders in deliberative participation at an early stage, you can effectively identify, discuss and take into account societal values, needs and expectations related to the RRI activity you plan to undertake. This guide will help you learn more about methods and techniques to promote dialogical learning and deliberation in stakeholder workshops. Both dialogical learning and deliberation are key pathways to engage stakeholders in the ethical governance of R&I.