Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences' Guideline on Authorship in Scientific Publications
From The Embassy of Good Science
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences' Guideline on Authorship in Scientific Publications
What is this about?
According to the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, disputes regarding authorship attributions are the most frequently encountered form of research misconduct cases. Thus, this guideline serves to analyze existing guidelines on authorship practices and to formulate additional recommendations regarding the same.
Why is this important?
Many kinds of authorship related disputes exist, from clear breaches of integrity such as omission of authorship to gray areas such as disagreements on the order of attribution. In light of the rapid rise in the number of publications, such conflicts are also on the rise. Many such gray areas have not been previously addressed - neither by ethical guidelines nor by legislation. This guideline builds on an analysis of previous authorship related guidance and sets forth newer recommendations concerning authorship criteria, disputes and their management.
For whom is this important?
What are the best practices?
- Obligations to list authors
- Authorship requirements
- Procedure for determining authorship
- Order of authorship
- Authors' responsibility
- Acknowledgements