Philosopher Earns 14th Retraction for Plagiarism

From The Embassy of Good Science

Philosopher Earns 14th Retraction for Plagiarism

What is this about?

This case is about a philosophy professor at the University of Leuven, who had 14 retractions. One of the plagiarised articles was spotted by another researcher from the same research area who then notified the journal on this issue. In 2010 an investigation conducted at the University of Leuven found that philosophy professor has indeed committed plagiarism. Upon the inquiry K.U. Leuven notified the journal editors about the results of the investigation and stated that plagiarised work is no longer considered as the scientific output of the university as well as that professor has resigned[1].

  1. Shannon Palus. Philosopher earns 14th retraction for plagiarism. Retraction Watch. 2016.

Why is this important?

This case shows an example of how the research organisations could address research misconduct cases and how journals address these cases.

For whom is this important?

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