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From The Embassy of Good Science

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  1. Serbian Journal Lands in Hot Water After Challenge on 24 hour Peer Review That Cost 1785 euros‏‎ (3 links)
  2. CSIC Spain‏‎ (3 links)
  3. Imagine RRI. A card-based method for reflecting on responsibility in life science research‏‎ (3 links)
  4. Resource:7c8cc1a3-42db-4810-b354-0124e6fcf5b3‏‎ (3 links)
  5. Forbidden Knowledge‏‎ (3 links)
  6. Collaborative science‏‎ (3 links)
  7. University of Split Medical School‏‎ (3 links)
  8. Sitting in Judgement‏‎ (3 links)
  9. The Art and Politics of Covert Research: Doing ‘Situated Ethics’ in the Field‏‎ (3 links)
  10. Resource:F64b4e45-3104-4a35-b704-c24b7a132619‏‎ (3 links)
  11. Online Learning Tool for Research Integrity and Image Processing‏‎ (3 links)
  12. European Association of Social Psychology‏‎ (3 links)
  13. 2003‏‎ (3 links)
  14. European Nuclear Society (ENS) Ethical Charter‏‎ (3 links)
  15. False Data‏‎ (3 links)
  16. Mumford‏‎ (3 links)
  17. Rampant Plagiarism in Two Journals‏‎ (3 links)
  18. The Epistemic Integrity of Scientific Research‏‎ (3 links)
  19. Theme:Dbecc089-0ef8-4ed6-a3f7-07ffe9cd4f9a‏‎ (3 links)
  20. History, Ethics and the Presidential Commission on Research in Guatemala‏‎ (3 links)
  21. Romanian Scientists Fight Plagiarism‏‎ (3 links)
  22. Chinese 'Opinions' on Strengthening Research Integrity‏‎ (3 links)
  23. Virtues & Values‏‎ (3 links)
  24. Junior Researcher‏‎ (3 links)
  25. Related Resources‏‎ (3 links)
  26. Theme:1386bef0-81e2-4c3b-bb65-673d2baead1c‏‎ (3 links)
  27. Stakeholder involvement in ethical governance of R&I – a guide for HEFRCs‏‎ (3 links)
  28. TIER2‏‎ (3 links)
  29. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Code of Conduct‏‎ (3 links)
  30. Unfair reviewing‏‎ (3 links)
  31. Research Integrity lunch meetings‏‎ (3 links)
  32. Infographics on research integrity‏‎ (3 links)
  33. Research on Indigenous Groups‏‎ (3 links)
  34. Important For:co-working researchers‏‎ (3 links)
  35. The learning curve - theatre play #MeTooAcademia‏‎ (3 links)
  36. Important For:support staff‏‎ (3 links)
  37. Rigour‏‎ (3 links)
  38. Integrating Ethics Into a Research Experience for Undergraduates‏‎ (3 links)
  39. Resource:49e64963-61c6-4977-a52a-af01b21bf704‏‎ (3 links)
  40. Connecting researchers through ORCID‏‎ (3 links)
  41. Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials‏‎ (3 links)
  42. Theme:A5501001-8ed0-4f27-a9c7-b3c14edb567c‏‎ (3 links)
  43. Responsible science: vol. 1‏‎ (3 links)
  44. Resource:B440e563-4d20-4113-b68a-8c32c6031af5‏‎ (3 links)
  45. Institutional review board approval and publication of human research results‏‎ (3 links)
  46. AboutCertifiedTrainers‏‎ (3 links)
  47. Doing good‏‎ (3 links)
  48. Research fraud on MMR vaccines‏‎ (3 links)
  49. Biomedical Alliance in Europe (Biomed Alliance) Code of Conduct‏‎ (3 links)
  50. European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) Model-Code of Ethics‏‎ (3 links)
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