Text (Instruction Step Text)
From The Embassy of Good Science
Describe the actions the user should take to experience the material (including preparation and follow up if any). Write in an active way.
- ⧼SA Foundation Data Type⧽: Text
Thanks for your interest in the TRUST Code and in this short training. We hope you will be able to use it to bring more equity to the world of research.
Doris Schroeder, Kate Chatfield, Michelle Singh.
Further reading: [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02581-4 Privilege and prejudice must be recognized for equitable research partnerships] +
Funded by the European Union<div>
<span lang="EN-GB">This clip was funded by grant agreement 101058094 PREPARED.</span>
<span lang="EN-GB">The development of the TRUST Code was funded by grant agreement 664771 (TRUST).</span>
</div> +
The training program as a whole demands a significant commitment from trainers so it is highly recommended to involve a colleague in the organization and facilitation of the training (especially for the face-to-face sessions). +
After experiencing each exercise, in order to reflect on what would trainees need to do or learn to be able to facilitate the exercises themselves, you can consider asking the following questions:
a. Would you be able to facilitate this exercise yourself?
b. What would you need to know or develop?
c. Do you need any further clarification about any of the steps in the exercise?
d. Is there anything unclear about the goals and procedures of the exercise? +
Practice again (elements and variations of) the exercises supervised by a trainer.
Discuss with your trainers and with the group the possibility to adapt the training materials. +
Encourage trainees to express doubts and questions that might have arisen during the time in between the two face-to-face sessions. Address both theoretical and practical issues and invite them to reflect on how to enable a virtue ethics approach in people’s ways to think about and do research. +
Show the movie fragment. +
Based on the content of the forms you can prepare a list of topics to be discussed during the second face-to-face session. Questions 3, 4, and 5 of the [https://www.dropbox.com/s/1fmppqv189jxlqj/Self%20reflection%20form.pdf?dl=0 self-reflection form] are particularly helpful to look at for this purpose, as they provide information on what worked well, what did not go well, and what requires attention.
You can consider preparing a short PowerPoint listing the input you have collected. This may provide guidance and structure for the discussion. +
Make arrangements for the time and venue for experiencing each exercise and send out invitations to prospective participants (6-12 max.). You do not need to do the 5 exercises in one go or with the same group. You may combine exercises and integrate them in one session (e.g. [https://embassy.science/wiki/Instruction:Ac206152-effd-475b-b8cd-7e5861cb65aa Debate-dialogue] and [https://embassy.science/wiki/Instruction:A0dd2e82-52e7-4030-a396-54525630e75c Dilemma game]).
Make sure to distribute and plan the collection of the required forms (i.e. [https://www.dropbox.com/s/078geogqap548ne/SDA%20sheet%20ver%203%20%281%29.docx?dl=0 Self-declaration] and case reflection form - included in the tips of the [https://embassy.science/wiki/Instruction:747f4d61-3c97-4c4b-acd9-4d69c95f134b Virtues and norms] instructions). +
Varieties of goodness in research - a rotary style exercise (variation to original VIRT2UE exercise)) +
Introduce the exercise, it's objectives and the 'varieties of goodness'. +
In order to gain the VIRT2UE certificate, you need to train 10 researchers in the VIRT2UE approach. The VIRT2UE program consists of three online modules and five participatory exercises. We consider it sufficient if you train 10 researchers in 3 out of the 5 participatory exercises - this would provide the researchers a firm grounding in a virtue ethics approach to research integrity.
The training of 10 researchers can be completed as part of the 'practice' of the participatory exercises during the program, or after the program has finished.
It is possible to provide participating researchers with further information so that they can go on to become trainers themselves. This is optional, and you do not need to do this to obtain the VIRT2UE certificate. If you would indeed like to train people to become trainers, then you must ensure that your trainees read the VIRT2UE guide for trainers on The Embassy of Good Science (in addition to the one for trainees) and attend an additional session to exchange experiences of facilitating the exercises. If necessary, this exchange of experiences can be replaced by a written exercise, peer coaching and/or a video conference if an in-person meeting is not possible (for example, during the pandemic). +
This module draws upon the notion of communal practices by Alasdair MacIntyre [[#%20ftn1|[1]]] and introduces relevant concepts, such as difference between the concepts of values and norms, as well as moral conflicts and moral dilemmas. In an exercise, the application of these differentiations and the transfer of knowledge into distinguishing two cases from the Rotterdam Dilemma Game[[# ftn2|[2]]], one of which portrays a moral conflict, the other one a moral dilemma.
[http://courses.embassy.science/virtue_ethics_and_research_integrity/story.html Open course]
----[[#%20ftnref1|[1]]] MacIntyre, A. C. (2014). After virtue. London: Bloomsbury.
[[# ftnref2|[2]]] Erasmus University Rotterdam. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2020, from Erasmus University Rotterdam website: https://www.eur.nl/en/about-eur/strategy-and-policy/integrity/research-integrity/dilemma-game
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This module aims to explain and demonstrate the underlying dynamics and relevance of cognitive dissonance for the research process. Along with the example of honorary authorship, it is discussed how conflicting imperatives (or underlying conflicting values) inherent in the current research system may be experienced as cognitive dissonance or moral distress. This module further invites to reflect upon the experience of cognitive dissonance and moral distress in one's research.
[http://courses.embassy.science/cognitive_dissonance_and_moral_distress/story.html Open course] +
This module explores research integrity on three levels, the individual researcher, research culture, as well as the research system. Drawing largely upon the report “What researchers think about the culture they work in” by WELLCOME for Shift Learning (2020)[[#%20ftn1|[1]]], different aspects of research integrity are discussed. This discussion is further complemented by the introduction of the Hong Kong Principles for Assessing Researchers[[#%20ftn2|[2]]].
[[File:Three levels of Research Integrity.png|link=http://courses.embassy.science/three_levels_of_research_integrity/story.html]]
If you want to integrate this module into your institution's learning management system, you may download it as a SCORM Package [http://courses.embassy.science/Three%20levels%20of%20Research%20Integrity_SCORM.zip here]
[[#%20ftnref1|[1]]] Moran, H., Karlin, L., Lauchlan, E., Rappaport, S. J., Bleasdale, B., Wild, L., & Dorr, J. (2020). Understanding Research Culture: What researchers think about the culture they work in. ''Wellcome Open Research, 5''(201), 201.
[[#%20ftnref2|[2]]] Moher, D., Bouter, L., Kleinert, S., Glasziou, P., Sham, M. H., Barbour, V., ... & Dirnagl, U. (2020). The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity''. PLoS Biology, 18''(7), e3000737. +
This module explores research integrity on three levels, the individual researcher, research culture, as well as the research system. Drawing largely upon the recent report “What researchers think about the culture they work in” by WELLCOME for Shift Learning (2020)[[#%20ftn1|[1]]], different aspects of research integrity are discussed. This discussion is further complemented by the introduction of the Hong Kong Principles for Assessing Researchers[[#%20ftn2|[2]]].
[http://courses.embassy.science/three_levels_of_research_integrity/story.html Open the course]
----[[#%20ftnref1|[1]]] Moran, H., Karlin, L., Lauchlan, E., Rappaport, S. J., Bleasdale, B., Wild, L., & Dorr, J. (2020). Understanding Research Culture: What researchers think about the culture they work in. ''Wellcome Open Research, 5''(201), 201.
[[#%20ftnref2|[2]]] Moher, D., Bouter, L., Kleinert, S., Glasziou, P., Sham, M. H., Barbour, V., ... & Dirnagl, U. (2020). The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity''. PLoS Biology, 18''(7), e3000737.
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This module draws upon the notion of communal practices by Alasdair MacIntyre[[#%20ftn1|[1]]] and introduces relevant concepts, such as difference between the concepts of values and norms, as well as moral conflicts and moral dilemmas. In an exercise, the application of these differentiations and the transfer of knowledge into distinguishing two cases from the Rotterdam Dilemma Game[[#%20ftn2|[2]]], one of which portrays a moral conflict, the other one a moral dilemma.
[[File:Virtue Ethics and Research Integrity.jpg|link=http://courses.embassy.science/virtue_ethics_and_research_integrity/story.html]]
If you want to integrate this module into your institution's learning management system, you may download it as a SCORM Package [http://courses.embassy.science/Virtue%20Ethics%20&%20Research%20Integrity_SCORM.zip here]
----[[#%20ftnref1|[1]]] MacIntyre, A. C. (2014). After virtue. London: Bloomsbury.
[[#%20ftnref2|[2]]] Erasmus University Rotterdam. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2020, from Erasmus University Rotterdam website: https://www.eur.nl/en/about-eur/strategy-and-policy/integrity/research-integrity/dilemma-game +
This exercise helps to develop approaches for implementing virtues in real life dilemmas by relating virtues to norms of action while reflecting on a real RI dilemma from different perspectives by means of dialogue.
[[File: V&N.png|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZMDWGTLXWo&list=PLabbUwyulAry4tzZ12eHl5JOJhJGiaE6k&index=2]] +
How researchers’ moral judgments can be affected by individual and contextual factors, explained by the VIRT2UE project for The Embassy of Good Science.
[[File: The concept of research integrity explained3.png|link=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIGuvc8Qbmw]] +
This module explores the different roles and corresponding responsibilities in research environments, allowing the researchers to recognize themselves in such roles and responsabilities. Besides, a virtue ethics approach is applied to supervision, mentoring and role-modeling with some interactive exercises.
[[File:Episode2.png|link=http://courses.embassy.science/Roles_and_responsibilities_in_supervision_and_mentoring/story.html]] +
This module explores the different roles and corresponding responsibilities in research environments, allowing the researchers to recognize themselves in such roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, a virtue ethics approach is applied to supervision, mentoring and role-modeling with some interactive exercises.
[[File:Episode2.png|link=http://courses.embassy.science/Roles_and_responsibilities_in_supervision_and_mentoring/story.html]] +