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From The Embassy of Good Science

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  1. Digital Trespass: Ethical and Terms-of-Use Violations by Researchers Accessing Data From an Online Patient Community
  2. Psychology of misbehavior (in Dutch)
  3. Treatment of missing data in follow-up studies of randomised controlled trials: A systematic review of the literature
  5. Quality Enhancement Handbook for Icelandic Higher Education
  6. Guidelines for research institutions on managing competition and publication pressure
  7. The TRUST Code - a Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships
  8. Research misconduct in a grant application for the National Institutes of Health
  9. Serious Accusation of Negligence of Ethical Principles in Human Sciences
  10. Government Sanctions Harvard Psychologist
  11. Major indexing service rejects appeals by two suppressed journals
  12. Health Care Scheduling and Access: A Report From the IOM
  13. Research Integrity: Podcast Series
  14. Growing Plagiarism Scandal in Iran
  15. A framework for assessing the quality of democratic deliberation: enhancing deliberation as a tool for bioethic
  16. Ethics in Social Science and Humanities
  17. Sitting in Judgement
  18. What Universities can Learn from one of Science’s Biggest Frauds
  19. Analyzing Data From Studies Depicted on Video: An Activity for Statistics and Research Courses
  20. Italian National Research Council's Research Ethics and Integrity Documents
  21. The European Union Clinical Trials Directive
  22. Canaries in the Mines: Children, Risk, Non-Therapeutic Research, and Justice
  23. The German Council of Science and Humanities ' Recommendations on Academic Integrity
  24. ORI comes down (hard) on Bengu Sezen, Columbia chemist accused of fraud
  25. Legal Liabilities in Research: Early lessons From North America
  26. Five steps to decide what data to keep: a checklist for appraising research data
  27. Perceptions of authorship criteria: effects of student instruction and scientific experience
  28. Implications of a Single Highly Cited Article on a Journal and Its Citation Indexes
  29. Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing
  30. Avoiding twisted pixels: ethical guidelines for the appropriate use and manipulation of scientific digital images
  31. A Case Series in Publication Ethics: Multiple Submissions (1)
  32. Research with human subjects
  33. Guidance Document for Conducting Internet Research
  34. A comparison of online versus on-site training in health research methodology: a randomized study
  35. The publication of controversial views
  36. Errata
  37. The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research Consultation paper – Research Ethics in Norway
  38. Anonymity Declined
  39. Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Unauthorised Translation
  40. Instructor's guide to prepare research group leader as RCR Mentors
  41. Maintaining Competence
  42. Fraud and dishonesty in "scientific" publication
  43. Unhelpful retraction notice about a study that received favourable media attention
  44. Preparing raw clinical data for publication: guidance for journal editors, authors, and peer reviewers
  45. How to make the digital scholarly monograph fit for Open Access by applying smart services and tools
  46. Integrity in scientific research videos
  47. Lab Management instructions
  48. Macchiarini may be dismissed from Karolinska; dean of research resigns
  49. Reaction to bias
  50. Croatia's science minister rejects calls to resign amid plagiarism scandal
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