Title (Instruction Step Title)
From The Embassy of Good Science
Cognitive Dissonance & Moral Distress in Research +
04 - Moral Case Deliberation: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity +
Presentation of the case +
Identification of morally problematic situations +
Early View (‘What do I think?’) +
02 - The Seven Steps Method: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity +
2. Check facts +
Ethical Decision Making in Research +
Experience the exercise +
Case presentation +
Learn about moral conflict and moral dilemmas +
Protect confidentiality +
Protect confidentiality +
Introduction +
Training Ph.D. students in Educational Sciences in Latvia +
What might (the central character) do to try and resolve the dilemma? +
Translate "Introduction to Research Integrity" +
03 - Four Quadrant Approach: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity +
STAGE 2: The Four Quadrant Analysis +
Translate the text introducing the VIRT2UE Guide +
Identify yourself as a VIRT2UE trainer in your profile +
Authorship +
Academic publishing +