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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 ss ordered by recently added
- European Mathematical Society (EMS) Code of Practice
- Best Practice Guide for Research Integrity and Ethics
- Itinerant legal scholar who claimed Tufts affiliation up to 10 retractions
- Scenarios for ethics modules in RCR
- Path2Integrity Handbooks for Teachers and Trainers
- Inter Academy Partnership Guidance on Doing Global Science
- Long Distance Collaboration
- Ethical Code of Scientific Research in Belgium
- Journalist who fabricated his reports
- The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Procedures for Handling Alleged Violations of Research Integrity in Finland
- The BIAS FREE Framework: a new analytical tool for global health research
- UNE in Row Over Bullying Survey
- Slovakian Academy of Sciences Ethics Code
- Hiding A Suspect
- Using cases with contrary facts to illustrate and facilitate ethical analysis
- Ethics Framework and Guidelines for Participatory Processes in the Activities of Research Funding Organizations
- Fresh Misconduct Charges Hit Dutch Social Psychology
- Informal Surveys for Policy and Planning that "Trigger" Research Projects
- The Case of the Egyptian Travel Agent
- The University of Oslo's 10 commandements for ethical practice in research
- Scientific Misconduct at an Elite Medical Institute: The Role of Competing Institutional Logics and Fragmented Control
- Responsible Authorship and Peer Review - Columbia RCR Course, Module 3
- European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Code of Practice
- Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law and Theology (NESH, Norway)
- Nanyang Technological University's Research Data Policy (Singapore)
- Age-Old Conflicts
- European Nuclear Society (ENS) Ethical Charter
- Mistaken Claim of Authorship
- Negotiating confidentiality, privacy and consent in focus groups with children and young people.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Matter. Guidelines on How To Successfully Design and Implement, Mission-Oriented Research Programmes
- Backstage Maneuvers
- Collaborative science
- Institution alleges that paper includes fabricated data
- Developing an ethical and reflexive mindset in emerging childhood researchers.
- Nine pitfalls of research misconduct
- Academic integrity checklist
- Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety: A guide for the responsible design and implementation of AI systems in the public sector
- Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences' Guideline on Authorship in Scientific Publications
- The Danish Act on the Innovation Fund
- The Ethics Codes Collection
- Philosopher Earns 14th Retraction for Plagiarism
- Authors couldn’t find a patient to give consent for case report. Then the patient found the report.
- Using student generated codes of conduct in the classroom to reinforce business ethics education
- Think. Check. Submit.
- Image manipulation research
- Conflict of interest disclosure in early education of medical students
- Rampant Plagiarism in Two Journals
- Finnish TENK Guide to Agreeing on Authorship: Recommendation for Research Publications
- COPE flowcharts
- Publication, Dissemination and Research Integrity: An Educational Scenario by the EnTIRE project