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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 ss ordered by recently added
- SOPs4RI Guidelines for research institutions on the research integrity education of bachelor, master and PhD students
- Plain Language Summaries of Publications Toolkit
- Up, Up, and Away: Clinical Trials Go International
- Belgian Code of Ethics for Scientific Research
- Copy and paste: A slow university investigation into serious accusations of misconduct benefits no one
- The Whistleblower and Penn: A Final Accounting of Study 352
- Finnish Guidance on the Responsible Conduct of Research and Procedures for Handling Allegations of Misconduct
- Transparify: A tool for transparent reporting of funding sources
- 'I am really sorry': Peer Reviewer Stole Text for Own Paper
- Forbidden Knowledge
- Practical tools and strategies for researchers to increase replicability
- ENAI glossary
- Postdoc randomly chose data during figure assembly
- Teaching ethics in nursing curricula. Traditional and contemporary models.
- The importance of formative assessment in science and engineering ethics education: some evidence and practical advice
- Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines
- University of Oslo's Ethical Guidelines
- Mentoring: disabilities
- Baltimore Case - In Brief
- The Culture of Scientific Research in the UK
- A proposal for a model of informed consent for the collection, storage and use of biological materials for research purposes
- Irish National Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity
- European Network of Research Integrity Offices Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct
- Strategies for making research more accessible to dental students
- The ETHNA System. A Guide to the Ethical Governance of RRI in Innovation and Research in Research Performing Organisations and Research Funding Organisations.
- Can a scientific paper be published anonymously?
- Safeguards, Data-sharing and the Disclosure of Sensitive Results: An Educational Scenario by the EnTIRE project
- The Nuremberg Code
- Obstructive sleep apnoea
- Show Me The Money!
- German Council of Science and Humanities' Recommendations for Evaluating and Controlling Research Performance
- The Art and Politics of Covert Research: Doing ‘Situated Ethics’ in the Field
- A scoping review of competencies for scientific editors of biomedical journals.
- Research Integrity - Detecting and determining greyscales
- Psychologist made up sex bias results
- Irish National Forum on Research Integrity's Report on Fostering a Climate of Excellence for Irish Research
- Gauging the potential societal contributions of research and innovation – a guide for HEFRCs
- RRI tools collection of resources
- Hazardous materials
- Infographic - SOPs4RI Research integrity education guidelines for research institutions
- Position statement of the UKRIO: Statutory regulation of research integrity
- 10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research
- Robbers, Rogues or Revolutionaries: Handling Armed Intimidation
- Resource:Eda2fa99-60f2-4816-adda-4ba704f20cfb
- Good Epidemiological Practice Guidelines
- Research Integrity: Sabotage!
- Unwritten expectations in doctoral training: research integrity scenario
- An issue with insufficient data in the survey-resulting in a non-representative sample
- German Research Foundation's Recommendations for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
- Whistle blowing