Pages with the most revisions
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 nss ordered by recently added
- Research Integrity and Conflicts of Interest: The Case of Unethical Research-Misconduct Charges (5 revisions)
- Case Study Collection (5 revisions)
- Plagiarism Charge for Romanian Minister (5 revisions)
- What is Recklessness in Scientific Research? (5 revisions)
- Serious gaming in research integrity education (5 revisions)
- Secondary corrections (5 revisions)
- Sabotage and the Federal Definition of Research Misconduct (5 revisions)
- Reward campaign (5 revisions)
- Sweden (5 revisions)
- Training (5 revisions)
- ENERI Decision Tree (5 revisions)
- Declaration of Geneva (5 revisions)
- European Commission Guidance on H2020 Program Ethics Self-assessment (4 revisions)
- Herbicide Resistant Rice (4 revisions)
- Find Mick Jagger (4 revisions)
- Fraud, errors and gamesmanship in experimental toxicology: GM potatoes (4 revisions)
- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (4 revisions)
- Protecting research subjects (4 revisions)
- Research Integrity - Detecting and determining greyscales (4 revisions)
- Fiction movies for RCR education (4 revisions)
- Addressing the socio-economic consequences of research misconduct (4 revisions)
- Responsible Research through supervision, mentoring and working together (4 revisions)
- Case Study Videos (4 revisions)
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences' Science Ethics Code (4 revisions)
- The Dutch Code on Prevention of Undue Influence through Conflicts of Interest (4 revisions)
- Preregistration of animal study protocols (4 revisions)
- Serious Accusation of Negligence of Ethical Principles in Human Sciences (4 revisions)
- Prominent Video Game-Violence Researcher Loses Another Paper to Retraction (4 revisions)
- Project:Resource (4 revisions)
- European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Standards of Conduct (4 revisions)
- U.S. Finds Misconduct by Ex-Researchers at Chicago and UCSF (4 revisions)
- Anonymisation and pseudonymisation (4 revisions)
- 3 things societies can do to promote research integrity (4 revisions)
- Finnish Guidelines on Doctoral Supervision and Review (4 revisions)
- U.S. Gov’t Physicist Sentenced to 18 months in Prison for Fraud (4 revisions)
- European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics (4 revisions)
- Online Posts Damage a Researcher's Reputation (4 revisions)
- Maintenance:ExportResourcesRelated (4 revisions)
- European Meteorological Society (EMS) Code of Practice for communicating knowledge on climate change to the public (4 revisions)
- Assessing the educational literature in the responsible conduct of research for core content. (4 revisions)
- Scientific Misconduct and the Myth of Self-Correction in Science (4 revisions)
- Chinese Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct for the National Natural Science Foundation (4 revisions)
- Institutional dealing with scientific misconduct (4 revisions)
- Learning about Supervision and Mentorship (4 revisions)
- Superb Supervision: integrity training for supervisors (4 revisions)
- Publication (4 revisions)
- Maintenance:ExportInstructionsRelated (4 revisions)
- Eigenfactor (4 revisions)
- Image Search Triggers Italian Police Probe (4 revisions)
- COPE seminar, webinar and ppt presentation (4 revisions)