Finnish Guidelines on Doctoral Supervision and Review

From The Embassy of Good Science

Finnish Guidelines on Doctoral Supervision and Review

What is this about?

This document present various recommendations on the supervision of doctoral dissertations and their review process with a special emphasis on research integrity. The recommendations were prepared by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity and Universities Finland and presented to the universities in Finland. The document covers topics ranging from applying for doctoral students, the supervision process, issues of copyright, authorship and research data, the stages of (pre-) examination of the dissertation and the publication of the dissertation. In addition, a separate section is dedicated to the responsible conduct of research and possible violations.

Why is this important?

As the authors of the guideline describe: "The ultimate responsibility for the quality of the dissertation rests with its author, but it is the supervisor´s duty to ensure that the doctoral student is familiar with the obligations and ethical practices related to a research process." (pg. 4)[1]

For whom is this important?

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