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From The Embassy of Good Science
50 ss ordered by recently added
- The BIAS FREE Framework: a new analytical tool for global health research (10:54, 30 October 2020)
- Evaluating teaching and students' learning of academic research ethic (12:46, 30 October 2020)
- Business Ethics Perspectives: Faculty Plagiarism and Fraud (13:12, 30 October 2020)
- Research ethics in emerging forms of online learning: Issues arising from a hypothetical study on a MOOC (13:36, 30 October 2020)
- Design and Development of a Course in Professionalism and Ethics for CDIO Curriculum in China (13:53, 30 October 2020)
- Meta-assessment of bias in science (14:17, 30 October 2020)
- Promoting responsible conduct in research through "survival skills" workshops: some mentoring is best done in a crowd (14:34, 30 October 2020)
- A bibliometric analysis of an international research ethics trainee program (14:48, 30 October 2020)
- Teaching Ethics in Research: A Multidisciplinary Model (14:56, 30 October 2020)
- Transparify: A tool for transparent reporting of funding sources (08:52, 3 November 2020)
- What are the major ethical issues in conducting research? is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing? (09:10, 3 November 2020)
- Teaching ethics in nursing curricula. Traditional and contemporary models. (09:22, 3 November 2020)
- A scoping review of competencies for scientific editors of biomedical journals. (09:38, 3 November 2020)
- Beyond "compliance": the role of institutional culture in promoting research integrity. (09:54, 3 November 2020)
- Protecting an endangered species: training physicians to conduct clinical research. (10:11, 3 November 2020)
- Virtue ethics, positive psychology, and a new model of science and engineering ethics education. (10:31, 3 November 2020)
- Improving epistemological beliefs and moral judgment through an STS-based science ethics education program (10:41, 3 November 2020)
- An empirical research study of the efficacy of two plagiarism-detection applications (10:54, 3 November 2020)
- Perceptions of authorship criteria: effects of student instruction and scientific experience (11:09, 3 November 2020)
- Ethical issues in research and publication (11:22, 3 November 2020)
- Overview: underserved areas of education in the responsible conduct of research: authorship (11:34, 3 November 2020)
- Reported goals for responsible conduct of research courses (12:46, 3 November 2020)
- Health Care Scheduling and Access: A Report From the IOM (12:56, 3 November 2020)
- The importance of formative assessment in science and engineering ethics education: some evidence and practical advice (13:10, 3 November 2020)
- A qualitative approach to Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training development: identification of metacognitive strategies (13:32, 3 November 2020)
- Application of a sensemaking approach to ethics training in the physical sciences and engineering (13:51, 3 November 2020)
- Research misconduct and the scientific process: continuing quality improvement (10:58, 4 November 2020)
- A New Challenge to Research Ethics: Patients-Led Research (PLR) and the Role of Internet Based Social Networks (11:08, 4 November 2020)
- An innovation in teaching ethics to medical students (11:17, 4 November 2020)
- Fostering integrity in postgraduate research: an evidence-based policy and support framework (11:26, 4 November 2020)
- Five-step authorship framework to improve transparency in disclosing contributors to industry-sponsored clinical trial publications (12:55, 4 November 2020)
- Encouraging accountability in research: a pilot assessment of training efforts (13:02, 4 November 2020)
- Team-based learning instruction for responsible conduct of research positively impacts ethical decision-making (13:15, 4 November 2020)
- A Survey of Doctoral Education in Communication Research Ethics (13:27, 4 November 2020)
- Teaching the Ethical Principles of Psychology (13:34, 4 November 2020)
- The value of respect in human research ethics: a conceptual analysis and a practical guide (13:41, 4 November 2020)
- Six domains of research ethics. A heuristic framework for the responsible conduct of research (13:49, 4 November 2020)
- COPE Cases (13:57, 4 November 2020)
- Reported Goals For Knowledge to be Learned in Responsible Conduct of Research Courses (14:08, 4 November 2020)
- Mentoring for Responsible Research: The Creation of a Curriculum for Faculty to Teach RCR in the Research Environment (14:18, 4 November 2020)
- Central statistical monitoring: detecting fraud in clinical trials (14:29, 4 November 2020)
- A proposal for a model of informed consent for the collection, storage and use of biological materials for research purposes (14:36, 4 November 2020)
- Effectiveness of a responsible conduct of research course: a preliminary study (14:53, 4 November 2020)
- Community consultation and public disclosure: preliminary results from a new model (15:04, 4 November 2020)
- Case Studies For Small Group Discussion (17:05, 4 November 2020)
- Age-Old Conflicts (17:20, 4 November 2020)
- Varieties of goodness in research - a rotary style exercise (variation to original VIRT2UE exercise)) (18:23, 4 November 2020)
- RCR online course: build an online course to augment RCR training using evidenced-based learning theory (10:08, 5 November 2020)
- Writing usable qualitative health research findings (10:16, 5 November 2020)
- Ethics Requirement Score: new tool for evaluating ethics in publications (10:35, 5 November 2020)