Most linked-to pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
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- Instruction:46bc703d-8d43-42a3-8fc8-1d246f97f152 (5 links)
- Anticipate and Communicate. Ethical Management of Incidental and Secondary Findings in the Clinical, Research, and Direct-to-Consumer Contexts (5 links)
- Template:Source Caption (4 links)
- Instruction:A37698fb-8197-4a11-bdd4-00fb54fe2c3d (4 links)
- Important For:Physicians (4 links)
- Case-based ethics instruction: the influence of contextual and individual factors in case content on ethical decision-making (4 links)
- Anonymity Revisited (4 links)
- ICMJE (4 links)
- Good scientific practice for courses in science and medicine (4 links)
- Important For:Computer scientists (4 links)
- Case Study Collection (4 links)
- Ghostwriting (4 links)
- Ana (4 links)
- Psychology of misbehavior (in Dutch) (4 links)
- What Universities can Learn from one of Science’s Biggest Frauds (4 links)
- Resource:F0b839a9-2840-4867-8794-c1132ca02308 (4 links)
- Scientific Misconduct at an Elite Medical Institute: The Role of Competing Institutional Logics and Fragmented Control (4 links)
- Preparatory Viewing: Introduction to Concepts & Themes (4 links)
- Handling of Scientific Dishonesty in the Nordic Countries: Early stages in the 1990's (4 links)
- Transpose (4 links)
- irecs (4 links)
- A University of Liverpool investigation determined that a former researcher there fabricated his data (4 links)
- Plublication ethics (4 links)
- COPE seminar, webinar and ppt presentation (4 links)
- EU (4 links)
- Sabotage and the Federal Definition of Research Misconduct (4 links)
- Cherry picking (4 links)
- Anonymity (4 links)
- The TRUST Code - a Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships (4 links)
- Compassion (4 links)
- LS 01 - Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry (4 links)
- Lithuanian Code of Ethics for Scientists (4 links)
- Resource:Fa937813-9987-4ceb-a69e-373cc876e476 (4 links)
- Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (4 links)
- Resource:B4667c43-18b8-4c99-86ff-18fa458759ec (4 links)
- Editorial conflicts of interest (4 links)
- Online Posts Damage a Researcher's Reputation (4 links)
- Important For:department leaders (4 links)
- Romania (4 links)
- The Paroxetine 352 Bipolar Trial: A Study in Medical Ghostwriting (4 links)
- Hungary (4 links)
- Carlo Croce: data falsification and other scientific misconduct (4 links)
- Oviedo Convention (4 links)
- False results, premature infants and the CNEP trial (4 links)
- Protection of vulnerable groups (4 links)
- Resource:735412b4-5e69-4cbe-a762-7d6d9f4f19e0 (4 links)
- Fake science: Who's to blame when the media gets research wrong? (4 links)
- Simultaneous Submission Leading to Duplicate Publication (4 links)
- Anonymization (4 links)
- University of Oslo (4 links)