Pages without language links
From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- Find the inappropriate duplications in biomedical images
- Video Transcript (2 case study mexico)
- Hunter Syndrome Video Transcript
- Hunter Syndrome Feedback
- irecs gene gene editing Discussion Transcript
- Find the inappropriate duplications in biomedical images 2
- irecs RE and I Basics Module introduction Audio Transcript 1
- irecs RE and I Basics Module introduction Interactive video 1
- irecs RE and I basics step 3 Audio Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 3 Mexico Hotspots
- irecs RE and I basics step 4 Audio Transcript
- Video Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 5 audio transcript
- irecs RE and I Basics step 6 Audio Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 7 Audio Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 7 Presentation Transcript
- Helsinki Declaration - highlight the obligation
- irecs RE and I basics step 7 video Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 8 Audio
- irecs RE and I basics step 8 drag and drop
- irecs RE and I basics step 9 Audio
- irecs RE and I basics step 10 Audio Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 10 Drag and Drop
- irecs RE and I basics step 11 Video Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 11 Video Transcript 2
- irecs RE and I basics step 12 Video Transcript
- irecs RE and I basics step 13 Audio Transcript
- Debatte und Dialog
- Exploring Specific Research Ethics and Integrity Topics
- Diyalog içerisinde fikir yürütmek
- Münazara ve Diyalog
- Learning about Research Ethics and Integrity Games
- Preparatory Viewing: Introduction to Concepts & Themes
- Ethical and Societal Foundations of Open Science
- Introduction to the BEYOND Trainer Guide
- AI in Healthcare: role play
- Selecting Appropriate Material and Effectiveness Measurement Tools for your Target Audience
- Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
- Exploring Training Materials on Open Science
- What is the evidence for reproducibility in different epistemic contexts?
- Translate the VIRT2UE guide into your own language
- Rights of Citizen Scientists
- Eğitimi organize etme
- Introducing Research Ethics and Integrity
- Translate the VIRT2UE e-learning modules into your own language
- Erdemler ve Normlar
- Öz beyan yaklaşımı, araştırmada iyiliğin farklı şekilleri üzerine fikir yürütme
- VIRT2UE Train-the-Trainer program
- Conflicts of interest in citizen science
- 03 - Four Quadrant Approach: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity