Pages with the most revisions
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 nss ordered by recently added
- Maintenance:ExportResourcesRelated (4 revisions)
- European Meteorological Society (EMS) Code of Practice for communicating knowledge on climate change to the public (4 revisions)
- Protecting research subjects (4 revisions)
- Assessing the educational literature in the responsible conduct of research for core content. (4 revisions)
- Image Search Triggers Italian Police Probe (4 revisions)
- COPE seminar, webinar and ppt presentation (4 revisions)
- Chinese Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct for the National Natural Science Foundation (4 revisions)
- Preregistration of animal study protocols (4 revisions)
- Learning about Supervision and Mentorship (4 revisions)
- Prominent Video Game-Violence Researcher Loses Another Paper to Retraction (4 revisions)
- Maintenance:ExportInstructionsRelated (4 revisions)
- Handling of Sexual Harassment Case Poses Larger Questions at Yale (4 revisions)
- ORI Infographics (4 revisions)
- Exploring Training Materials on the Responsible Use of AI (4 revisions)
- European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) International Code on Market, Opinion and Social Research and Data Analytics (4 revisions)
- Working with Research Integrity - Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement (4 revisions)
- European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Standards of Conduct (4 revisions)
- Anonymisation and pseudonymisation (4 revisions)
- 3 things societies can do to promote research integrity (4 revisions)
- Superb Supervision: integrity training for supervisors (4 revisions)
- Publication (4 revisions)
- Eigenfactor (4 revisions)
- Inter Academy Partnership Guidance on Doing Global Science (4 revisions)
- Institutional dealing with scientific misconduct (4 revisions)
- Ethics in global digital psychiatry: balancing innovation and responsibility (4 revisions)
- Infographic-SOPs4RI Research integrity guidelines for research funders (4 revisions)
- Translate the VIRT2UE guide into your own language (4 revisions)
- The Culture of Scientific Research in the UK (4 revisions)
- Maintenance:ExportThemesTags (4 revisions)
- The ETHNA System. A Guide to the Ethical Governance of RRI in Innovation and Research in Research Performing Organisations and Research Funding Organisations. (4 revisions)
- French National Charter for Research Integrity (4 revisions)
- Lapses in Oversight Compromise Omics Results (4 revisions)
- Forensic Statistics to detect Data Fabrication (4 revisions)
- European Nuclear Society (ENS) Ethical Charter (4 revisions)
- Ethics defined: a glossary (4 revisions)
- Five simple rules to avoid plagiarism (4 revisions)
- Editorial conflicts of interest (4 revisions)
- Faulty Drug Trials Tarnish Japan's Clinical Research (4 revisions)
- COPE core practices (4 revisions)
- Research integrity - what is means, why it is important and how we might protect it (4 revisions)
- Scientific Research: Dilemmas and Temptations (booklet of cases) (4 revisions)
- Reflections on the Cleveland Clinic Study of The Batista Operation (4 revisions)
- Training, Supervision and Mentoring with Integrity: An Educational Scenario by the EnTIRE project (4 revisions)
- Carlo Croce: data falsification and other scientific misconduct (4 revisions)
- Insufficiently reported study flaws and limitations (4 revisions)
- Organised Crime Against the Academic Peer Review System (4 revisions)
- European Network of Research Integrity Offices Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct (4 revisions)
- Italian National Research Center Guidelines for Integrity in Research (4 revisions)
- PhD and Supervisor charter (KU Leuven) (3 revisions)
- Ara dönem uygulama çalışması (3 revisions)