Orphaned pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in The Embassy of Good Science.
50 s ordered by recently added
- Grading the quality of evidence in clinical practice guidelines
- The decision on ice
- Faking it in academia- the rise of authorship fraud
- The Rise of Octopus Affiliation: Navigating Multiple Institutional Associations in Academic Publishing
- The influence of pharmaceutical company on drug availability
- Consent and Assent for Research on Children
- Sponsorship of drug and device studies by the manufacturing company
- Questionable Research Practices in Collaboration
- Being grossly unfair to your collaborators
- Take no full responsibility for the integrity of the research project and its reports
- Questionable Research Practices in Data Collection
- Consent for publication (Participant)
- Falsifiability and Attractor States in Scientific Theories: A Framework for Evaluating Evidence
- Institutional codes of conduct for research integrity
- Anonymisation and pseudonymisation
- Secondary corrections
- Questionable Research Practices in Study Design
- Internet Research Ethics
- Responsible Use of AI in Research: Balancing Innovation and Integrity
- Methods to increase data availability
- Empathy in History Research and Education
- Hypothesizing after the results are known (HARKing)
- Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC)
- High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science (HIRMEOS)
- Replicability in the Humanities
- Gene Editing: Ethical Frontiers and Scientific Integrity
- The ethical dilemmas of genome editing
- Research collaboration
- Ethics in global digital psychiatry: balancing innovation and responsibility
- The Ghost Collaborator
- ‘Caught in the act’: Veterinary researcher caught fabricating gene data, resigns from university job
- Who Owns the Field Notes
- Animal research: IACUC Inspection Virtual Walkthrough
- Data anonymity
- Best Practice to Order Authors in Multi/Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Research Publications
- Want to make sure your paper gets published? Just do your own peer review like this researcher did
- New claim to authorship of published paper
- Retraction notice - fake email peer-review
- A Case Series in Publication Ethics: Editorial Misconduct
- Leibniz Institute's Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice
- Promoting responsible conduct in research through "survival skills" workshops: some mentoring is best done in a crowd
- Inconsistent Findings Between Trainee and Researcher
- Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct
- UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- Virtue ethics, positive psychology, and a new model of science and engineering ethics education.
- The Wild West of Animal Experimentation
- Criminologist to have four papers retracted following months of scrutiny
- Cases. Research Ethics Training Virtual Course
- Research misconduct and the scientific process: continuing quality improvement