Oldest pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 ss ordered by recently added
- Informed consent (16:50, 25 March 2021)
- Research with humans (17:07, 25 March 2021)
- Vulnerable and non-competent subjects in clinical trials (17:22, 25 March 2021)
- Authorship criteria (17:49, 25 March 2021)
- Open access publishing: the new norm? (17:55, 25 March 2021)
- Research metrics (16:27, 26 March 2021)
- Altmetrics (16:28, 26 March 2021)
- Predatory publishing (16:40, 26 March 2021)
- Conflict of interest in peer review (16:41, 26 March 2021)
- Data driven hypotheses without disclosure (‘HARKing’) (16:42, 26 March 2021)
- Theme:A22bd155-7f88-4750-aa9c-cba9ad72cbec (16:43, 26 March 2021)
- Inappropriate authorship (16:54, 26 March 2021)
- Inappropriate study design (16:56, 26 March 2021)
- Non-reporting of negative findings (10:33, 27 March 2021)
- Outcome reporting bias (10:36, 27 March 2021)
- P-value hacking (10:39, 27 March 2021)
- Publication bias (positive results) (10:42, 27 March 2021)
- Salami publication (10:43, 27 March 2021)
- Self-plagiarism (10:45, 27 March 2021)
- Research misconduct (10:49, 27 March 2021)
- Plagiarism (10:50, 27 March 2021)
- Guidelines for Tailoring the Informed Consent Process in Clinical Studies (11:22, 31 March 2021)
- File:What is research integrity.png (18:51, 31 March 2021)
- File:Scope of Research Integrity.png (18:54, 31 March 2021)
- File:Three levels of Research Integrity.png (18:56, 31 March 2021)
- File:Research Integrity in your context.png (18:59, 31 March 2021)
- Failed Patenting Negotiations in Collaborative Research (10:00, 6 April 2021)
- Intellectual Rights Involving Multiple Institutions (10:07, 6 April 2021)
- Robbing the Grave: Investigator Takes Ownership of Deceased Scholar’s Work (10:19, 6 April 2021)
- Rules of Data-Sharing in Collaborative and Non-Collaborative Research (10:26, 6 April 2021)
- Rules of Data-Sharing in Collaborative and Non-Collaborative Research (10:26, 6 April 2021)
- Protocol Violations Putting Animal Subjects in Harm’s Way (10:31, 6 April 2021)
- Researchers Pressured to Store Animal Subjects (10:42, 6 April 2021)
- Technician Error Leads to Harm of Animal Subjects (10:45, 6 April 2021)
- The Three Rs of Animal Research (10:50, 6 April 2021)
- Eager Researcher Signs Away Intellectual Rights Despite University Refusal (10:52, 6 April 2021)
- The Wild West of Animal Experimentation (10:57, 6 April 2021)
- Authorship and Intellectual Property (11:17, 6 April 2021)
- Co-Authorship Conflicts (11:22, 6 April 2021)
- Mistaken Claim of Authorship (11:29, 6 April 2021)
- Reporting Findings in a Timely Manner (11:35, 6 April 2021)
- Banked Samples and HD Testing (11:40, 6 April 2021)
- Favoritism in the Editing Room (11:45, 6 April 2021)
- What happens when an ex-physicist writes about gender identity? (11:47, 6 April 2021)
- The publication of controversial views (11:48, 6 April 2021)
- The Dutch anthropologist making up data and papers (11:49, 6 April 2021)
- Ten short cases on publication ethics (11:49, 6 April 2021)
- Scandalous behaviour at Medical University of Innsbruck (11:50, 6 April 2021)
- Researcher discovers paper published by co-author in another journal (11:50, 6 April 2021)
- Outsourcing animal experimentation (11:51, 6 April 2021)