Text (Instruction Step Text)
From The Embassy of Good Science
Describe the actions the user should take to experience the material (including preparation and follow up if any). Write in an active way.
- ⧼SA Foundation Data Type⧽: Text
Before moderating the first face-to-face session consider the following points:
1) Prepare necessary power point presentations such as:
a. Introduction to the training and the different phases of it
b. Introduction to the varieties of goodness as part of the [https://embassy.science/wiki/Instruction:64cb2917-6ee4-44ca-ad3b-b998bc6786ea Self Declaration Approach].
c. Introduction to the [https://embassy.science/wiki/Instruction:522ba3d0-9f26-41d5-9ecf-b4c88214887c middle position] exercise.
2) Prepare the meeting rooms (if face to face):
a. Bring post-its, markers, pens, flipcharts and paper (read the trainers instruction of the exercises for further information)
b. Arrange the chairs into a circle (i.e. avoid lecture setting). This fosters a dynamic learning environment and encourages people to engage in a dialogue with each other. +
The UNESCO Recommendation on open science defines open science as: “[..] an inclusive construct that combines various movements and practices aiming to make multilingual scientific knowledge openly available, accessible, and reusable for everyone, to increase scientific collaborations and sharing of information for the benefits of science and society, and to open the processes of scientific knowledge creation, evaluation and communication to societal actors beyond the traditional scientific community. It comprises all scientific disciplines and aspects of scholarly practices, including basic and applied sciences, natural and social sciences and the humanities, and it builds on the following key pillars: open scientific knowledge, open science infrastructures, science communication, open engagement of societal actors, and open dialogue with other knowledge systems.” (UNESCO, 2021) Science as an activity and social practice is aimed at generating new knowledge. The most basic justification of open science as an overarching goal is that through the implementation of open science practices we will, as a global society, produce more and more reliable knowledge “for the benefit of science and society” (UNESCO, 2021).
#UNESCO (2021). Recommendation on Open Science. https://doi.org/10.54677/MNMH8546 +
The term 'research participant' refers to an individual who voluntarily takes part in a research study, for example, a patient who takes part in a biomedical research study on new treatment methods or a community member who is interviewed by citizen scientists (like in this [https://londonprosperityboard.org/stories-olympic-park citizen science project on people living in London's neighborhoods]). Research participants are essential contributors to scientific research, including citizen science projects, and their involvement can vary widely depending on the nature of the study. The rights and interests of research participants lie at the core of research ethics and the same time should apply to citizen science as well. However, citizen science raises new challenges in this regard for at least two reasons. First, there is a great variety of citizen science projects and many of them are conducted outside institutional settings which makes applying the traditional research ethics frameworks challenging. Second, citizen scientists might play different roles in the research, usually, they are involved only as citizen scientists, but in some cases (e.g., in biomedical citizen science research) they might play both roles - a citizen researcher and a research subject. +
Citizen and participatory science form a critical component of the broader open science framework, which seeks to make the scientific process more transparent and collaborative. UNESCO recognizes the value of involving citizens in scientific research, not only to advance scientific knowledge but also to enhance public engagement with science (UNESCO, 2021).
Citizen and participatory science form a critical component of the broader open science framework, which seeks to make the scientific process more transparent and collaborative. UNESCO recognizes the value of involving citizens in scientific research, not only to advance scientific knowledge but also to enhance public engagement with science (UNESCO, 2021). Collaboration, participation, and inclusion are crucial for achieving several broader open science goals (data, collection, science literacy, dissemination of research results, implementation of evidence-based policies etc.). Nonetheless, this involvement presents challenges, such as reconciling the activism of citizen science with the discovery-oriented and objective nature of academic research (Rasmussen & Cooper, 2019) or blurring of the researchers/research subject roles in research that have largely been kept separate in traditional research ethics guidance (Resnik, 2019). Issues of potential conflicts of interest may arise when citizen scientists are motivated by personal or group interests. Addressing these challenges requires transparency about research goals, openness regarding the roles and interests of all scientists, and ethical handling of open data. The field is rapidly evolving, and many ethical considerations are still being developed and resolved.
#Rasmussen, L. M., & Cooper, C. (2019). Citizen science ethics. ''Citizen Science: Theory and Practice'', 4(1). https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.235
#Resnik, D.B. (2019). Citizen scientists as human subjects: Ethical issues. ''Citizen Science: Theory and Practice'', 4(1). https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.150
#UNESCO (2021). Recommendation on Open Science. https://doi.org/10.54677/MNMH8546
The collection of research data is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of open science practice because it is highly vulnerable to misconduct (Hofmann, 2022). Misconduct related to data collection can be particularly costly to science and society, especially when data is shared open access for reuse and re-analysis. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that both researchers and citizen scientists share an understanding of data collection standards. These standards ensure that data collected at different institutions and by various researchers are compatible and interoperable, facilitating the integration of datasets. This allows for meaningful reuse, comparisons, re-analysis, and the reproduction of research findings by other scientists. Adherence to data collection standards also contributes to the long-term accessibility of research data. Proper documentation and standardized formats make it easier for future researchers to understand, use, and build upon the data, thereby preserving the scientific record.
#Hofmann, B. (2022). Open science knowledge production: Addressing epistemological challenges and ethical implications. ''Publications, 10''(3), 24. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications10030024 +
Conflict of interest can happen in a variety of human activities, but in some areas such as science and research, it is especially important, because it erodes objectivity – one of the central virtues of scientific research. A recent review revealed that industry-sponsored studies are more often in favour of the sponsors’ products compared with studies with other sources of funding (Lundh et al., 2017). Because of the effect it can potentially have on research, scientific journals require a separate declaration of conflict of interest when submitting scientific articles. The issue of conflict of interest is especially relevant in the context of citizen science due to the nature of some of its projects. Namely, some citizen science projects are citizen-initiated and therefore the investigators might have an inherent conflict of interest which in turn might prevent them from seeing their study in a more objective light.
#Lundh, A., Lexchin, J., Mintzes, B., Schroll, J. B., & Bero, L. (2017). Industry sponsorship and research outcome. ''Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews'', 2. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.MR000033.pub3 +
Citizen scientists play an increasingly significant role in knowledge production and there are many scientific projects to which their contribution is vitally important. For example, monitoring threatened species requires collecting vast amounts of data and correspondingly significant financial investment. To accomplish this task cost-effectively, scientists increasingly rely on data, collected by citizen scientists via projects like iNaturalist. However, although extremely valuable, this practice presents some risks for the environment and ecosystems.
#[https://www.inaturalist.org/ https://www.inaturalist.org] +
Click below to watch the annotated video from the PREPARED kick-off meeting in Bonn! +
The TRUST Code is a resource for all research stakeholders who want to ensure that international research is equitable and carried out without 'ethics dumping' and 'helicopter research'. +
[https://printeger.eu/ PRINTEGER] project, aims to strengthen research integrity by fostering a culture where integrity is integral to excellent research, beyond just external regulation. The project seeks to improve integrity governance by focusing on researchers’ everyday practices within a complex research environment +
''Target audience: Secondary school students, bachelor and master students, doctoral students and early career researchers''
Path 2 integrity developed a series of [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials learning cards] focusing on students in high schools ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Path2Integrity learning cards S]) on bachelor students, ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Path2Integrity learning cards M]) alongside a dedicated handbook and doctoral students ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Path2Integrity learning cards Y]). Each set of learning cards comes with a [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials handbook for educators] ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials S-Series handbook], [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials M-Series handbook], [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Y-Series handbook]) +
''Target Audience: undergraduate students, early career researchers.''
The [https://h2020integrity.eu/ INTEGRITY] project aims to empower students and early career researchers by developing the capacity of participants to identify, consider, and address integrity concerns in research procedures. Empowerment stimulates a pro-active attitude in participants of the courses, helping them to actively address and deal with integrity issues they encounter in their studies or research. The project developed a specific training tool for [https://h2020integrity.eu/toolkit/tools-undergraduate-students/integrity-games/ undergraduate] students, which poses a series of dilemmas about academic integrity. +
Utilizing online training resources is another way to put blended learning into practice. This method mixes traditional in-person instruction with the usage of the internet to let students create their own learning experiences. Trainees can gain from direction and engagement with a trainer while having access to flexible and interactive training options outside of the classroom by combining in-person and online training methods. The 'conventional' learning resources produced by the ROSIE project (refer to the [https://rosie-project.eu/rosie-knowledge-hub/ ROSiE Knowledge Hub]) can be utilized in conjunction with the online training resources for self-directed learning developed by ROSiE to facilitate blended learning in the classroom.
Training materials on responsible open science can be found for the fields of [https://zenodo.org/records/10799656 Social Sciences], [https://zenodo.org/records/10799691 Natural Sciences], [https://zenodo.org/records/10800651 Humanities], [https://zenodo.org/records/10801617 Health and Life Sciences] and [https://zenodo.org/records/10801722 Citizen Science]. In addition, the ROSiE project created a [https://zenodo.org/records/10795319 collection of case studies] that can be use in the traditional and/or online ROSiE training. Moreover, six different modules on responsible open science can be found [[Guide:E525ee0d-0d7e-4ba5-b19b-89e4a5029b2f|here]], on the Embassy of Good Science platform +
There are different ways of using AI, not only to generate text, but also to work with your own material (proofreading, changing style, transcription). Researchers should be transparent about how they have used AI tools, as they would be about any other tools and methods. The most important requirement for any researcher is to CHECK the material generated by AI, for example in a systematic review.
Fairness, transparency and ethical considerations are all important factors in AI systems for trainers to consider when teaching, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to responsible AI among their participants. Although training materials focusing on AI are still in development, this module gives trainers insight on possible material to be used. +
'''''Target audience:''' Doctoral students and early career researchers and Senior researchers and RERI experts''
The [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/obas-introduction/ Upright training] gives the opportunity to reflect on several dilemmas from the [https://www.eur.nl/sites/corporate/files/dilemmagame-mrg.pdf “Dilemma Game. Professionalism and Integrity in Research”]. Specifically, the Upright training proposes the following dilemmas: [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-with-a-little-help/ With a little help], [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-mutual-favours/ Mutual favours], [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-sharing-data/ Sharing data], [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-so-close/ So close], [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-different-results/ Different results], [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-put-your-supervisor-first/ Put your supervisor first], [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-flexible-scope/ Flexible scope], [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-outliers/ Outliers], and [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/dilemma-invalid-data/ Invalid data]. +
Want to contribute to the Embassy of Good Science? It's simple! All you need is an ORCiD login and you can get started right away.
See the video below for detailed instructions on how to use your ORCiD to log into the Embassy.
<div class="video-button" data-href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8s2hroYxT3I">
<span class="video-button-label">ORCiD Login</span>
<span class="video-button-duration">0:47 min</span>
</div> +
'''''Target audience:''' Secondary school students, bachelor and master students, doctoral students and early career researchers''
Using the [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ Path2Integrity] learning materials and methods in an adaptable and sustainable manner is the main goal of the Path2Integrity training programme for educators (P2ITE), which aims to improve educators' and teachers' competencies, confidence, and abilities to teach research integrity effectively. This includes engaging and creative teaching and learning techniques like role-playing and storytelling. Path 2 integrity developed a series of [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials learning cards] focusing on students in high schools ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Path2Integrity learning cards S]) on bachelor students, ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Path2Integrity learning cards M]) alongside a dedicated handbook and doctoral students ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Path2Integrity learning cards Y]). Each set of learning cards comes with a [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials handbook for educators] ([https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials S-Series handbook], [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials M-Series handbook], [https://www.path2integrity.eu/ri-materials Y-Series handbook]) +
<span lang="EN-US">Before participating in this activity participants prepare themselves by completing (one of) the e-modules:</span>
*<span lang="EN-US">[https://classroom.eneri.eu/node/236 AI In Healthcare: Technology Basics]</span>
*<span lang="EN-US">[https://classroom.eneri.eu/node/238 AI In Healthcare: Ethics Issues]</span>
*[https://classroom.eneri.eu/node/401 Case studies: AI in Healthcare]
</div> +
'''''Target audience''': Bachelor and master students, doctoral students and early career researchers.''
Besides the introductory module, the PRINTEGER Upright training provides [https://printeger.eu/upright/toc/ modules] focusing on specific RE and/or RI issues. These modules address topics in relation the research misconduct, questionable research practices and more research ethics-related topics. Depending on the complexity of the topic, these modules can be used for students and academics with different levels of RE/RI-related competencies. +