Approved revisions
From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 ss ordered by recently added
- Tutorial: PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
- Guidelines for Tailoring the Informed Consent Process in Clinical Studies
- Fostering integrity in postgraduate research: an evidence-based policy and support framework
- Researcher Accused of Breaching Research Ethics Faces GMC
- The Case of the Missing Artefact
- The Ethics of Pharmaceutical Research Funding: A Social Organization Approach
- The Reward Alliance
- Case Studies For Small Group Discussion
- European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Code of Conduct
- Withholding Study Purpose
- You want to do what? Paper on anal swabs for COVID-19 retracted for ethical issues
- Path2Integrity Campaign
- University of Tartu Ethics Centre's Codes of Ethics Handbook
- Transpose
- Studying colonial artefacts with integrity
- University Investigation Finds Misconduct by Bone Researcher with 23 Retractions
- Collaborative Working Between Academia and Industry: An Educational Scenario by the EnTIRE project
- Contemporary Science, Values and Animal Subjects in Research
- Are these data real? Statistical methods for the detection of data fabrication in clinical trials
- Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
- Navigating disability identity and language in research involving children and young people.
- A New Challenge to Research Ethics: Patients-Led Research (PLR) and the Role of Internet Based Social Networks
- Perioperative Mischief: The Price of Academic Misconduct
- Stakeholder involvement in ethical governance of R&I – a guide for HEFRCs
- Honest refereeing
- Prominent Video Game-Violence Researcher Loses Another Paper to Retraction
- The French CNRS Ethics Committee's Guide to Integrity and Responsibility in Research Practices
- Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Professional Manual
- Peer Review. The nuts and bolts
- Dual submissions
- The AAP report on circumcision: Bad science + bad ethics = bad medicine
- “There can be no justification for such studies”: Paper on artificial eyes for dogs earns expression of concern
- Biologist Spared Jail For Grant Fraud
- Divorce study felled by a coding error gets a second chance
- Polish Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies' Good Scientific Research Practice Recommendations
- Procedures of the Science Ethics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
- Case Study: Beginning a Collaboration
- The Norwegian Act on Ethics and Integrity in Research (The Research Ethics Act)
- SOPs4RI Guidelines - Supervision requirements & guidelines
- European Geosciences Union (EGU) Code of Conduct
- Resource:22290809-0b2e-47d3-9824-06b5aa3fb95e
- Teaching students to study online communities ethically
- Agriculture researcher up to 15 retractions for fake peer review
- Misconduct and Fraud in clinical research
- SOPs4RI Guidelines for research funders on defining and preventing unjustified interferences from funders, political and commercial actors
- University of Oslo's Policy on Fraudulent Documents
- Interviewing young people on sensitive topics: An iterative approach
- Reported Goals For Knowledge to be Learned in Responsible Conduct of Research Courses
- Research Data Management