SOPs4RI Guidelines - Building and leading an effective team

From The Embassy of Good Science

SOPs4RI Guidelines - Building and leading an effective team

What is this about?

This guideline presents a set of recommendations for research institutions on building and leading an effective team with a focus on research integrity and valueing responsible conduct of research.

Competent leadership is a skill that should get more attention by resaerch institutions. Guidance should be offered to researchers at leadership positions. The RIPP must specify procedures and criteria for leadership, their responsibilities, how to support them, provide time, guidance and resources, provide training leadership and recognize and reward responsible leadership.

Why is this important?

This guideline presents a set of recommendations to research institutions on the guidance and resources to give to research leaders, in order to support them in building and leading an effective research group.

Leaders of research teams are responsible for a multitude of roles, including administration, management, allocation of financial resources and lab infrastructure, mentoring and guiding or inspiring young scientists to achieve their full potential. Research leaders can benefit from support from their research institutions to achieve their full potential as responsible leaders. This guideline presents a set of recommendations to research institutions on the guidance and resources to give to research leaders, in order to support them in building and leading an effective research group. The guideline consists of recommendations on improving institutional support structures for leaders, providing leaders with necessary guidance, knowledge, training and support, and rewarding responsible leadership in the evaluation and assessment of researchers. The guideline provides information relevant for research officers, trainers, managers, and coordinators, as well as deans, rectors and other institutional leaders.

For whom is this important?

What are the best practices?

Given the broad diversity that exists among research institutions, it is possible that some recommendations are not applicable in all research settings. For this reason, the guidelines should not be seen as a ‘one-size-fits-all’, but rather as a tool that can be used flexibly and adapted to meet institutions’ specific needs.

Furthermore, several best practices are highlighted in the guidelines itself.

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