Practical Tips (Has Practical Tips)

From The Embassy of Good Science
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'''Be aware of your role:''' During the first sessions, trainees experience the five exercises for the first time. Your facilitation will set an example for them, as they learn how to use the exercises themselves. Therefore, it is important that you feel confident in facilitating them. Please, be aware that it may be necessary to adapt the exercises depending on the context in which you are using them. For example, if you are an ombudsperson or a research integrity officer at your institution, it might not be appropriate to ask trainees to share research integrity cases from their own experience. You may therefore consider using only fictional cases (e.g. from the [ Rotterdam Dilemma Game] or The Embassy of Good Science) instead.  +
Make sure you have read the instructions of the exercises before experiencing them. This will support your learning experience and help you reflect on the value and possible use of the exercise in your own context.  +
This module is part of the ROSiE training on Responsible Open Science for Citizen Scientists. To complete the trainig please complete the other modules in the citizen science guide. By the end of this training, you will gain a deeper understanding of responsible open science and acquire the following skills and attitudes necessary for responsible practising of citizen science: Local and Global Citizenship: * Awareness of the importance and social benefits of Open Science in local and global contexts. * Participation in ethics and integrity self-regulation of Open Science and citizen science community. Personal and Social Responsibility: * Personal and professional responsibility for implementation of Open Science and production of results. * Openness to share own research data, results, tools and publications and appreciation of efforts of others. Epistemic Skills * Ability to organize, present and use open data and knowledge with integrity. * Ability to critically assess data, knowledge and scientific results produced by others. * Ability to identify ethical and integrity issues in Open Science. Collaborative Problem-Solving * Ability to apply critical thinking skills in collaborative analysis of ethical and integrity problems in Open Science. * Discussing, finding solutions and making decisions to handle ethics and integrity issues within the Open Science community.  +
This module is part of the ROSiE training on Responsible Open Science for Citizen Scientists. To complete the trainig please complete the other modules in the citizen science guide. By the end of this training, you will gain a deeper understanding of responsible open science and acquire the following skills and attitudes necessary for responsible practising of citizen science: Local and Global Citizenship: * Awareness of the importance and social benefits of Open Science in local and global contexts. * Participation in ethics and integrity self-regulation of Open Science and citizen science community. Personal and Social Responsibility: * Personal and professional responsibility for implementation of Open Science and production of results. * Openness to share own research data, results, tools and publications and appreciation of efforts of others. Epistemic Skills * Ability to organize, present and use open data and knowledge with integrity. * Ability to critically assess data, knowledge and scientific results produced by others. * Ability to identify ethical and integrity issues in Open Science. Collaborative Problem-Solving * Ability to apply critical thinking skills in collaborative analysis of ethical and integrity problems in Open Science. * Discussing, finding solutions and making decisions to handle ethics and integrity issues within the Open Science community.  +
Data are stored and processed in line with GDPR, more details about data protection and SINAPSE can be accessed here.  +
We recommend that trainers and teachers define the needs and skill level of the group to be trained before selecting the game to be used. This is due to the fact that the career stage often does not reflect the level of skills and competences in terms of research ethics and integrity.  +
This course is available under request. If you are interested please send an email to:  +
This module is part of the ROSiE training on Responsible Open Science for Citizen Scientists. To complete the trainig please complete the other modules in the citizen science guide. By the end of this training, you will gain a deeper understanding of responsible open science and acquire the following skills and attitudes necessary for responsible practising of citizen science: Local and Global Citizenship: *Awareness of the importance and social benefits of Open Science in local and global contexts. *Participation in ethics and integrity self-regulation of Open Science and citizen science community. Personal and Social Responsibility: *Personal and professional responsibility for implementation of Open Science and production of results. *Openness to share own research data, results, tools and publications and appreciation of efforts of others. Epistemic Skills *Ability to organize, present and use open data and knowledge with integrity. *Ability to critically assess data, knowledge and scientific results produced by others. *Ability to identify ethical and integrity issues in Open Science. Collaborative Problem-Solving *Ability to apply critical thinking skills in collaborative analysis of ethical and integrity problems in Open Science. *Discussing, finding solutions and making decisions to handle ethics and integrity issues within the Open Science community.  +
<div> This module is part of the ROSiE training on Responsible Open Science for Citizen Scientists. To complete the trainig please complete the other modules in the citizen science guide. By the end of this training, you will gain a deeper understanding of responsible open science and acquire the following skills and attitudes necessary for responsible practising of citizen science: Local and Global Citizenship: * Awareness of the importance and social benefits of Open Science in local and global contexts. * Participation in ethics and integrity self-regulation of Open Science and citizen science community. Personal and Social Responsibility: * Personal and professional responsibility for implementation of Open Science and production of results. * Openness to share own research data, results, tools and publications and appreciation of efforts of others. Epistemic Skills * Ability to organize, present and use open data and knowledge with integrity. * Ability to critically assess data, knowledge and scientific results produced by others. * Ability to identify ethical and integrity issues in Open Science. Collaborative Problem-Solving * Ability to apply critical thinking skills in collaborative analysis of ethical and integrity problems in Open Science. * Discussing, finding solutions and making decisions to handle ethics and integrity issues within the Open Science community. </div>  +
This course is available under request. If you are interested please send an email to: The Teacher's guide for all INTEGRITY SPOCs is accessible here: [ Teacher's Guide SPOC]  +
This course is available under request. If you are interested please send an email to: The Teacher's guide for all INTEGRITY SPOCs is accessible here: [ Teacher's Guide SPOC]  +
Enrollment is free of charge and accessible here: [ Enrollment SPOC course - INTEGRITY]  +
1. Prior to the meeting, your trainer may require you to watch this [ video on the Self-declaration Approach and the typologies of goodness]. 2. During the training session, share with the group your inputs in the self-declaration sheets on the types of goodness. Explain why you think your example exemplifies a certain type of goodness. Allow your group mates to ask questions. 3.   For each type of goodness, discuss with your group what can happen if a type of goodness is not present. 4.   Are there forms or types of goodness that are less relevant for research integrity? 4.   Are virtues necessary to achieve each type of goodness?  +
Katılımcıların tercihen tüm eğitim oturumlarına katılmış, toplantılar arasındaki dönemde beş alıştırmayı uygulamış ve sonrasında 10 başka araştırmacıyı eğitmiş olmaları gerekmektedir. Ancak bu sistemin (gerekli olduğunda) değiştirilmesi mümkündür: '''1)   Diğer eğitmenlerin eğitilmesi''' 10 araştırmacının eğitilmesi, program esnasında ya da program bittikten sonra gerçekleştirilebilir. Bu eğitimin, beş alıştırmanın tamamını kapsaması gerekmektedir. Katılımcılar bu on kişiyi eğitmen olmak üzere de eğitebilirler. Böyle bir durumda eğitimin, programın didaktik yönlerini de içermesi gerekir. Eğer katılımcılar eğitim verdikleri araştırmacıları eğitmen olmak üzere eğitmiyorlarsa böyle bir gereklilik bulunmamaktadır. Becerilerine güveniyor olmaları durumunda eğitimi alan katılımcılar iki yüz yüze oturum arasındaki dönemde yalnızca alıştırmaları uygulamak yerine 10 araştırmacıyı eğitmeyi de tercih edebilirler. Didaktik sebeplerden ötürü, tam bir eğitim organize etmeden önce alıştırmaların uygulanmasını önermekteyiz ancak son kertede karar katılımcılarındır. '''2)   İkinci yüz yüze oturum''' Toplantıya katılımın organize edilmesi mümkün değilse ya da bu toplantıya katılmak eğitimi alanlar için çok masraflı oluyorsa ikinci yüz yüze oturumun bir yazma alıştırması, akran koçluğu ve/veya video konferans ile ikame edilmesi mümkündür. İkinci yüz yüze oturuma katılmaktan muaf tutulmak isteyen katılımcıların kabul edilebilir gerekçeler sunması gerekmektedir.  +
'''List of virtues:''' Honesty; curiosity; attentiveness or observance; perseverance or patience; objectivity; humility to evidence; skepticism; meticulousness; courage; collaboration; resoluteness; accountability; availability; competency; reliability; sincerity; creativity; accountability; punctuality; truthfulness; selflessness; reflexivity; clarity of purpose; collaborative spirit; fairness; loyalty; moderation; positivity/open-mindedness; respectfulness. '''Handout 1''' '''FOR THE INDIVIDUAL PART OF THE EXERCISE''' a. Situation & specific virtue at stake Recall a specific situation in your own research practice in which you had concerns about research integrity (or a virtue related to research integrity such as honesty, reliability, accountability). It should be a situation in which you were morally in doubt how you, as researcher, should behave. Which specific virtue is at stake in your situation? b. Draw the continuum of your selected virtue In order to decide which behavior follows from the specific virtue, a balancing act is always required between two extreme positions (or vices): too little of the behavior related to the specific virtue and too much of the behavior related to of the specific virtue. To reflect on this for yourself in your specific situation, imagine a continuum of your selected virtue: 1.Behavior A. (virtue is too weak) 2. Middle Position Behavior. 3. Behavior B. (virtue is too strong) 1.‘Right end: What would you do if too much of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? 2. Left end: What would you do if too little of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? 3. Middle position: What would you do if you demonstrated the right behavior, which perfectly represents the specific virtue in that situation. An example of this continuum could be: ‘Imagine a situation in which your supervisor claims to be the first author on a paper you wrote. Depending on the person you are, and the specific characteristics of the situation, reckless behavior could be that you start to complain about this claim from your supervisor in the local media and that you threaten to quit your job. Cowardly behavior could be that you say nothing and just do what the supervisor asks. Courageous behavior, representing the middle position between the vices of recklessness and cowardice, could entail asking for a meeting between you and other supervisors to discuss your moral dilemma, referring to the Vancouver author guidelines.’ cowardice behavior ------------------ courage behavior------------------------ reckless behavior '''Handout 2''' '''FOR THE SUBGROUP PART OF THE EXERCISE''' According to your viewpoint, which virtue is at stake in the presented situation of the chosen case presenter? Describe your own three kinds of behavior in the situation of the chosen case presenter #‘Right end: What would you do if too much of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? #Left end: What would you do if too little of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? #Middle position: What would you do if you demonstrated the right behavior which perfectly represents your specific virtue in that situation? '"`UNIQ--references-00000040-QINU`"'  
'''List of virtues:''' Honesty; curiosity; attentiveness or observance; perseverance or patience; objectivity; humility to evidence; skepticism; meticulousness; courage; collaboration; resoluteness; accountability; availability; competency; reliability; sincerity; creativity; accountability; punctuality; truthfulness; selflessness; reflexivity; clarity of purpose; collaborative spirit; fairness; loyalty; moderation; positivity/open-mindedness; respectfulness. '''Handout 1''' '''FOR THE INDIVIDUAL PART OF THE EXERCISE''' a. Situation & specific virtue at stake Recall a specific situation in your own research practice in which you had concerns about research integrity (or a virtue related to research integrity such as honesty, reliability, accountability). It should be a situation in which you were morally in doubt how you, as researcher, should behave. Which specific virtue is at stake in your situation? b. Draw the continuum of your selected virtue In order to decide which behavior follows from the specific virtue, a balancing act is always required between two extreme positions (or vices): too little of the behavior related to the specific virtue and too much of the behavior related to of the specific virtue. To reflect on this for yourself in your specific situation, imagine a continuum of your selected virtue: 1.Behavior A. (virtue is too weak) 2. Middle Position Behavior. 3. Behavior B. (virtue is too strong) 1.‘Right end: What would you do if too much of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? 2. Left end: What would you do if too little of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? 3. Middle position: What would you do if you demonstrated the right behavior, which perfectly represents the specific virtue in that situation. An example of this continuum could be: ‘Imagine a situation in which your supervisor claims to be the first author on a paper you wrote. Depending on the person you are, and the specific characteristics of the situation, reckless behavior could be that you start to complain about this claim from your supervisor in the local media and that you threaten to quit your job. Cowardly behavior could be that you say nothing and just do what the supervisor asks. Courageous behavior, representing the middle position between the vices of recklessness and cowardice, could entail asking for a meeting between you and other supervisors to discuss your moral dilemma, referring to the Vancouver author guidelines.’ cowardice behavior ------------------ courage behavior------------------------ reckless behavior '''Handout 2''' '''FOR THE SUBGROUP PART OF THE EXERCISE''' According to your viewpoint, which virtue is at stake in the presented situation of the chosen case presenter? Describe your own three kinds of behavior in the situation of the chosen case presenter #‘Right end: What would you do if too much of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? #Left end: What would you do if too little of the behavior related to the specific virtue characterized your action? #Middle position: What would you do if you demonstrated the right behavior which perfectly represents your specific virtue in that situation?  
We recommend that trainers and teachers define the needs and skill level of the group to be trained before selecting the material to be used. This is due to the fact that the career stage often does not reflect the level of skills and competences in terms of research ethics and integrity.  +
'''Oyunun oynanması''' 1.       İlk katılımcı ikilemi sesli bir şekilde okur. 2.       Her bir katılımcı, belirtilen dört alternatif eylem tarzından kendi tercihini en iyi yansıtanı seçer. 3.      Her bir katılımcı bir tercih seçer ve ilgili tercih kartını, kartın arka yüzü yukarıda kalacak şekilde masanın üzerine koyar. (Tercih kartlarının arka yüzleri yukarıda kalacak şekilde konulması katılımcıların bağımsız bir tercih yapmasını sağlayacaktır.) 4.      Grubun büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak her bir katılımcı sırayla eğitimin yapıldığı salonun kendi tercihini temsil eden köşesine geçerek ya da tercih kartının ön yüzünü çevirerek kendi tercih ettiği eylem tarzını açıklar. 5.      Katılımcılar, bireysel tercihler üzerine bir diyalog yürütür ve bunu yaparken toplumsal olarak kabul gören, meşru sayılan yanıtlardan kaçınarak kendi özgün fikirlerini beyan ederler. 6.      Nihai bir karara varılmadan önce grup bir fikir birliğine ulaşmaya çalışır. Bu aşamada katılımcıların alternatif eylem tarzları önermesine müsaade edilir. 7.      Katılımcılar, seçilen ikilemle ilişkili olarak ECOC’ta belirtilmiş olan prensip ve erdemler üzerine fikir yürütebilmek amacıyla aşağıdaki tabloları doldurur.  +
Bu alıştırma hem büyük gruplar içerisinde hem de birkaç küçük grup ile kullanılmaya uygundur. Oyunu büyük gruplar halinde oynamanın genellikle daha eğlenceli olduğunu aklınızda bulundurun. Eğer oyunu katılımcılar arasında bağ kurmak için kullanmak isterseniz tercihiniz bu yönde olabilir. Gerçek uygulamaya geçmeden önce lütfen oluşturacağınız grupların homojen özellikler mi yoksa heterojen özellikler mi göstereceği üzerine düşünün. Homojen gruplar oluşturmak, farklı kültürel arka planların yaratacağı iletişim sorunlarını ortadan kaldırırken heterojen gruplar oluşturmak farklı bakış açılarına alan açılmasını sağlayacaktır. Tek bir büyük grup ile çalışmayı tercih ederseniz ve alıştırmayı yüz yüze gerçekleştiriyorsanız, oyunu oynadığınız salonun köşelerini dört farklı eylem tarzını (A, B, C ve D) temsil edecek şekilde kullanmayı düşünebilirsiniz. Bu durumda herkesten ayağa kalkıp seçtikleri tercihi temsil eden köşeye gitmelerini isteyebilirsiniz. Bunu yaptığınızda eğitmen olarak grup tartışmalarını yönetirken aktif olmanız gerekecektir. Salonun köşelerinden bu şekilde faydalanmak katılımcıların kendi vücutlarını kullanmalarına izin verecek ve böylelikle duyguların ifade edilmesi için alan açılmış olacaktır.   Alıştırmayı küçük gruplar içerisinde gerçekleştirmeyi tercih etmeniz durumunda lütfen bütün gruplara aynı ikilemi verdiğinizden emin olun. Bu sayede tüm grupların ulaştığı sonuçların toplu olarak tartışılması mümkün olacaktır.  +
Ideally, trainees should participate in both face-to-face meetings, practice the five exercises in the interim period between the meetings, and train ten further researchers afterwards. However, this structure can be adapted (if necessary) as follows: '''1) Training other trainers''' The training of ten further researchers can be completed during or after the duration of the program and needs to encompass all five exercises. Trainees can decide to either train the ten researchers to also become trainers or as regular course participants. In the former case the training needs to cover the didactical aspects of the program, whereas in the latter case this is not necessary. If they feel confident about their skills, trainees can already train ten further researchers during the interim period between the face-to-face meetings, rather than only practicing the exercises. For didactical reasons it is recommend to first practice the exercises before organizing a full training, yet the decision is up to trainees. '''2) Second face to face meeting''' The second face-to-face meeting can be replaced by a writing exercise, peer coaching and/or a video conference if attending is organizationally infeasible or prohibitively costly for a trainee. Trainees need to provide compelling reasons if they would like to be exempted from taking part in the second face to face meeting.  +
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