Pages with the most revisions
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 nss ordered by recently added
- Rights of Citizen Scientists (14 revisions)
- FAIR principles: sharing data for maximisation of results (14 revisions)
- 02 - The Seven Steps Method: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity (14 revisions)
- Research integrity training for PhD students (14 revisions)
- Training Initiatives for Research Ethics and Integrity (14 revisions)
- The Embassy's Newsletter - July 2021 (14 revisions)
- Reasonable standards for career advancement (14 revisions)
- Privacy statement (14 revisions)
- Peer review card game (13 revisions)
- VIRT2UE final conference (13 revisions)
- Interim Practice Work (13 revisions)
- Post-publication peer review (13 revisions)
- Data management plans (13 revisions)
- Scientific Misconduct at an Elite Medical Institute: The Role of Competing Institutional Logics and Fragmented Control (13 revisions)
- Dubious Peer Reviews Lead to 10 Retractions (13 revisions)
- Research Integrity Committees (12 revisions)
- Founders (12 revisions)
- Handling of Scientific Dishonesty in the Nordic Countries: Early stages in the 1990's (12 revisions)
- Peer review (12 revisions)
- Publication, Dissemination and Research Integrity: An Educational Scenario by the EnTIRE project (12 revisions)
- Research ethics committee members' skills (12 revisions)
- Safeguards, Data-sharing and the Disclosure of Sensitive Results: An Educational Scenario by the EnTIRE project (12 revisions)
- The impact of the GDPR on scientific data (12 revisions)
- The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity (12 revisions)
- Confidentiality (12 revisions)
- VIRT2UE train-the-trainer program (12 revisions)
- The Dilemma Game (12 revisions)
- Values and norms (12 revisions)
- Science policy (11 revisions)
- Moral conflict and moral dilemma (11 revisions)
- Organizing the training (11 revisions)
- Collaborative working (11 revisions)
- Journal Impact Factor (11 revisions)
- Belgian Code of Ethics for Scientific Research (11 revisions)
- Reflecting on Experiences and Practicing Exercises (11 revisions)
- Using Learning Cards to teach Research Ethics and Integrity (11 revisions)
- Learning about Research Ethics and Integrity Games (11 revisions)
- Responsible Open Science (11 revisions)
- Networks and projects promoting research integrity (11 revisions)
- Retractions: correcting the scientific literature (11 revisions)
- Initiatives promoting research integrity (11 revisions)
- Netherlands (11 revisions)
- Selective citation (11 revisions)
- Conflicts of interest in citizen science (11 revisions)
- The Netherlands (11 revisions)
- Research misconduct (11 revisions)
- The Olivieri Debacle: Where Were the Heroes of Bioethics? (10 revisions)
- Misrepresenting the characteristics of research participants in psychiatric studies (10 revisions)
- Maintenance:ExportThemes (10 revisions)
- The Saga of Korean Women Who Provided Eggs for Embryonic Stem Cell Research (10 revisions)