Long pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 s ordered by recently added
- (hist) Guideline for discussing work-related stress [1,479 bytes]
- (hist) BT Cotton Hoax in a University in India [1,477 bytes]
- (hist) A Case Series in Publication Ethics: Multiple Submissions (1) [1,473 bytes]
- (hist) Successful and timely uptake of artificial intelligence in science in the EU [1,472 bytes]
- (hist) Grey areas of plagiarism: 10 scenarios to discuss with students [1,472 bytes]
- (hist) Can a scientific paper be published anonymously? [1,465 bytes]
- (hist) Researcher Accused of Breaching Research Ethics Faces GMC [1,460 bytes]
- (hist) On Goffman: Ethnography and the Ethics of Care [1,458 bytes]
- (hist) PhD and Supervisor charter (KU Leuven) [1,456 bytes]
- (hist) Research Ethics [1,450 bytes]
- (hist) Faulty Drug Trials Tarnish Japan's Clinical Research [1,450 bytes]
- (hist) UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity [1,448 bytes]
- (hist) Biologist Spared Jail For Grant Fraud [1,448 bytes]
- (hist) 'Climate Skeptic' Journal Shuttered Following 'Malpractice' in 'Nepotistic' Reviewer Selections [1,438 bytes]
- (hist) Handling of Sexual Harassment Case Poses Larger Questions at Yale [1,438 bytes]
- (hist) University of Tartu Ethics Centre's Codes of Ethics Handbook [1,435 bytes]
- (hist) U.S. Finds Misconduct by Ex-Researchers at Chicago and UCSF [1,435 bytes]
- (hist) Valley of Sorrow [1,424 bytes]
- (hist) Widget:Mailchimp [1,423 bytes]
- (hist) Misrepresenting the characteristics of research participants in psychiatric studies [1,420 bytes]
- (hist) European Commission Guidance on H2020 Program Ethics Self-assessment [1,418 bytes]
- (hist) Guidelines for Integrity in Scientific Research [1,417 bytes]
- (hist) PRINTEGER [1,416 bytes]
- (hist) Guidelines for research institutions on adequate education and skills training [1,415 bytes]
- (hist) Academic and research misconduct in the PhD: Issues for students and supervisors [1,414 bytes]
- (hist) Geology Paper Has a Rocky Road is Now Retracted [1,412 bytes]
- (hist) Seven Ways to Plagiarise: The Unauthorised Translation [1,408 bytes]
- (hist) Plagiarism and Fabrication in Public Health Research at Harvard [1,408 bytes]
- (hist) Stakeholder involvement in ethical governance of R&I – a guide for HEFRCs [1,398 bytes]
- (hist) Psychologist made up sex bias results [1,393 bytes]
- (hist) Open Access Policy at Czech Academy of Sciences [1,392 bytes]
- (hist) The Ethics of Pharmaceutical Research Funding: A Social Organization Approach [1,390 bytes]
- (hist) The ethical dilemmas of genome editing [1,390 bytes]
- (hist) Conflicts of Interest (CSIC, Spain) [1,389 bytes]
- (hist) COPE seminar, webinar and ppt presentation [1,389 bytes]
- (hist) Scientific Misconduct and the Myth of Self-Correction in Science [1,387 bytes]
- (hist) Italian National Research Council's Research Ethics and Integrity Documents [1,386 bytes]
- (hist) SOPs4RI Guidelines for research institutions on continuous research integrity education [1,381 bytes]
- (hist) Infographic - SOPs4RI Research integrity education guidelines for research institutions [1,380 bytes]
- (hist) 'I am really sorry': Peer Reviewer Stole Text for Own Paper [1,380 bytes]
- (hist) Scandalous behaviour at Medical University of Innsbruck [1,377 bytes]
- (hist) Show Me The Money! [1,375 bytes]
- (hist) Guidelines for research institutions on managing competition and publication pressure [1,374 bytes]
- (hist) Teacher guidelines in early bioethical education [1,372 bytes]
- (hist) The future of scientific justice: the case of The Sceptical Environmentalist [1,371 bytes]
- (hist) The European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (ECHRBmed) [1,368 bytes]
- (hist) French National Charter for Research Integrity [1,367 bytes]
- (hist) European Charter of Patients' Rights [1,366 bytes]
- (hist) A Data Governance Framework for Ethnography [1,360 bytes]
- (hist) UK Research Integrity Office's Case Study Collection [1,360 bytes]