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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- Teaching sensitive and controversial issues in divided societies
- Ignoring substantial safety risks of studies
- Polarized research
- Conducting research in high risk locations
- Imposter Syndrome
- Ethical considerations in dealing with human remains
- The ethics of managing a laboratory or research group
- Posing irrelevant research questions
- Anonymous Authorship in Research: Ethical Concerns and Best Practices
- Publication
- Gender bias
- Forensic Statistics to detect Data Fabrication
- Importance of healthy lifestyle
- Questionable Research Practices in Analysis and Reporting
- Predatory publishing
- How to be a good lab partner
- Retractions: correcting the scientific literature
- Qualitative research
- Virtues in research integrity
- Privacy in research
- Inappropriate authorship
- Grading the quality of evidence in clinical practice guidelines
- Research Integrity champions
- Selective citation
- The decision on ice
- Insufficiently reported study flaws and limitations
- Faking it in academia- the rise of authorship fraud
- Prospective registration of clinical trials
- Fabrication
- The impact of the GDPR on scientific data
- The Rise of Octopus Affiliation: Navigating Multiple Institutional Associations in Academic Publishing
- Dialogue versus debate
- Initiatives promoting research integrity
- Dutch National Survey on Research Integrity
- Collaboration In Research
- Discipline specific codes and guidelines on research integrity
- Monitoring funding processes
- Data management plans
- The learning curve - theatre play #MeTooAcademia
- P-value hacking
- Conflict of interests
- The influence of pharmaceutical company on drug availability
- Science policy
- Consent and Assent for Research on Children
- Poor mentoring or supervision of early career researcherers
- Networks and projects promoting research integrity
- Sponsorship of drug and device studies by the manufacturing company
- Collaborative working
- Superb Supervision: integrity training for supervisors
- H-index