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From The Embassy of Good Science

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  1. Case report: incidental finding of a giant cardiac mass‏‎ (5 links)
  2. UK Research Integrity Office's Case Study Collection‏‎ (5 links)
  3. Research metrics‏‎ (5 links)
  4. Conflicts of Interest in Research on Antipsychotic Treatment‏‎ (5 links)
  5. Credibility‏‎ (5 links)
  6. Netherlands Position Paper on the Recognition and Rewards of Academics‏‎ (5 links)
  7. Open learning research ethics‏‎ (5 links)
  8. Anthropologists‏‎ (5 links)
  9. LS 09.05 - Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology‏‎ (5 links)
  10. Multi-perspectivity‏‎ (5 links)
  11. Kairos – A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy‏‎ (5 links)
  12. Limitations are not properly acknowledged in the scientific literature‏‎ (5 links)
  13. Medical students' decisions about authorship in disputable situations: intervention study‏‎ (5 links)
  14. India‏‎ (5 links)
  15. Wellcome Open Research‏‎ (5 links)
  16. Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity‏‎ (5 links)
  17. Kalichman‏‎ (5 links)
  18. Ethics in Social Science and Humanities‏‎ (5 links)
  19. Authorship dispute‏‎ (5 links)
  20. The ASA's Statement on p-Values: Context, Process, and Purpose‏‎ (5 links)
  21. Organizing Academic Research Papers: Limitations of the Study‏‎ (5 links)
  22. Intellectual conflicts of interest‏‎ (5 links)
  23. Keeping inadequate notes of the research process‏‎ (5 links)
  24. Edanz. Writing Point: How To Write About Your Study Limitations Without Limiting Your Impact‏‎ (5 links)
  25. Investigation‏‎ (5 links)
  26. Mental health in academia‏‎ (5 links)
  27. Research Problems at Australian University Hit the News‏‎ (5 links)
  28. Research integrity training for diverse disciplines‏‎ (5 links)
  29. Instruction:46bc703d-8d43-42a3-8fc8-1d246f97f152‏‎ (5 links)
  30. Anticipate and Communicate. Ethical Management of Incidental and Secondary Findings in the Clinical, Research, and Direct-to-Consumer Contexts‏‎ (5 links)
  31. Artificial tracheas and severe research misconduct‏‎ (5 links)
  32. Ethics, Human Rights and HIV Vaccine Trials in Low-Income Settings‏‎ (5 links)
  33. Final Findings of Scientific Misconduct‏‎ (5 links)
  34. Factual case‏‎ (5 links)
  35. Infographic - SOPs4RI Guidelines on Responsible Supervision and Leadership‏‎ (5 links)
  36. Ethics defined: a glossary‏‎ (5 links)
  37. A comparison of online versus on-site training in health research methodology: a randomized study‏‎ (5 links)
  38. The role of moral philosophy in the divide between science and non-science‏‎ (5 links)
  39. Valley of Sorrow‏‎ (5 links)
  40. RERI in general‏‎ (5 links)
  41. Theme:07488132-7ad0-4ef3-82fd-15824b30bd1c‏‎ (5 links)
  42. Important For:Activists‏‎ (5 links)
  43. A Case Study about Anonymization and Secondary Use of Qualitative Data‏‎ (5 links)
  44. Important For:Prospective Research Integrity Trainers‏‎ (5 links)
  45. Resource:Afa63f10-4ff1-4bc6-98cf-95808f86376b‏‎ (5 links)
  46. Biomedical sciences‏‎ (5 links)
  47. European Commission Guidance on Research on Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants‏‎ (5 links)
  48. Questioning a Mentor‏‎ (5 links)
  49. P-Values on Trial: Selective Reporting of (Best Practice Guides Against) Selective Reporting‏‎ (5 links)
  50. Covering Controversial Science: Improving Reporting on Science and Public Policy‏‎ (5 links)
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