Approved revisions
From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 ss ordered by recently added
- Discipline specific codes and guidelines on research integrity
- Monitoring funding processes
- Data management plans
- The learning curve - theatre play #MeTooAcademia
- P-value hacking
- Conflict of interests
- The influence of pharmaceutical company on drug availability
- Science policy
- Consent and Assent for Research on Children
- Poor mentoring or supervision of early career researcherers
- Networks and projects promoting research integrity
- Sponsorship of drug and device studies by the manufacturing company
- Collaborative working
- Superb Supervision: integrity training for supervisors
- H-index
- (re)submitting without consent of all authors
- Not acknowledging contributors who do not qualify for authorship
- Communicate results to the general public before a peer reviewed publication is available
- Journal Impact Factor
- Outcome reporting bias
- Replicability
- Research with children
- Spin of research results
- Ethical issues of involving children with disabilities in research
- Standards of authorship
- Research metrics
- Research integrity training for diverse disciplines
- Questionable Research Practices in Collaboration
- High income and low- and middle-income country collaborations
- Questionable research practices & research misbehaviors
- Improper data use (a bias distorting research results)
- Affiliations
- Responsible mentoring
- Being grossly unfair to your collaborators
- Research Integrity Advisors
- Post-publication peer review
- Take no full responsibility for the integrity of the research project and its reports
- Funders
- Salami publication
- Plan S
- Research ethics committees
- Research ethics committee members' skills
- Connecting researchers through ORCID
- Publishers - COPE guidelines
- "Met de billen bloot" (airing your dirty laundry)
- Confidentiality
- Questionable Research Practices in Data Collection
- Theme:A22bd155-7f88-4750-aa9c-cba9ad72cbec
- AI Generated Content
- The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity