Most linked-to pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 agess ordered by recently added
- 2000 (11 links)
- Balancing harms and benefits (11 links)
- Using Learning Cards to teach Research Ethics and Integrity (11 links)
- Research with animals (11 links)
- The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) (11 links)
- Patient safety (11 links)
- COPE (11 links)
- Virtue Ethics under Current Research Conditions (10 links)
- Important For:PI (10 links)
- Gender bias (10 links)
- Adherence to Regulations (10 links)
- Theme:A22bd155-7f88-4750-aa9c-cba9ad72cbec (10 links)
- 'I am really sorry': Peer Reviewer Stole Text for Own Paper (10 links)
- Communication (10 links)
- The Nuremberg Code (10 links)
- Switzerland (10 links)
- Modified Dilemma Game (10 links)
- Research Integrity Advisors (10 links)
- Data Practices and Management (10 links)
- Important For:RIO (10 links)
- Accuracy (10 links)
- Institutional responsibilities (10 links)
- Misconduct Investigations (10 links)
- Open peer review - transparent way of gatekeeping science (10 links)
- Protection of sources (10 links)
- Important For:trainers (10 links)
- Important For:Citizen Scientists (10 links)
- Publication bias (positive results) (10 links)
- INTEGRITY (10 links)
- Italy (10 links)
- China (10 links)
- Peer review (10 links)
- Resource:7fcb92c2-8d04-4106-875f-166af054c161 (10 links)
- Collaborative science (10 links)
- Intellectual property rights in research collaborations (10 links)
- Infographic - SOPs4RI Research integrity education guidelines for research institutions (10 links)
- Austria (10 links)
- SOPs4RI Guidelines for research institutions on continuous research integrity education (10 links)
- Fraud (10 links)
- The Rotterdam Dilemma Game (10 links)
- Deception (9 links)
- Finnish Guidance on the Responsible Conduct of Research and Procedures for Handling Allegations of Misconduct (9 links)
- Research integrity officers in Europe (9 links)
- Informed assent (9 links)
- Virtues and Norms (9 links)
- ROSiE (9 links)
- Peer review card game (9 links)
- Dubious Peer Reviews Lead to 10 Retractions (9 links)
- Important For:High school students (9 links)
- Availability (9 links)