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From The Embassy of Good Science
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Academic Research in the 21st Century: Maintaining Scientific Integrity in a Climate of Perverse Incentives and Hypercompetition
Academic and research misconduct in the PhD: Issues for students and supervisors
Academic integrity at MIT, a handbook for students
Academic integrity checklist
Academic medical centers and medical research: the challenges ahead
Academic research record-keeping: best practices for individuals, group leaders, and institutions
Accuracy of Credentials and Competence in Public Communications
Act on the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy
Acting with Research Integrity
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Addressing the socio-economic consequences of research misconduct
Administrators and Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
Advisory Report of the Committee on Exploration of the Revision of the Dutch Code of Conduct
Age-Old Conflicts
Agriculture researcher up to 15 retractions for fake peer review
Alliance of German Science Organisations' Principles for the Handling of Research Data
An author realized a paper had plagiarized his thesis. It took the journal four years to retract it.
An empirical research study of the efficacy of two plagiarism-detection applications
An innovation in teaching ethics to medical students
An issue with insufficient data in the survey-resulting in a non-representative sample
An issue with insufficient data in the survey-resulting in a non-representative sample
Analyzing Data From Studies Depicted on Video: An Activity for Statistics and Research Courses
Animal research: IACUC Inspection Virtual Walkthrough
Animal resources
Annual review of ethics (case studies)
Anonymity Declined
Anonymity Revisited
Anticipate and Communicate. Ethical Management of Incidental and Secondary Findings in the Clinical, Research, and Direct-to-Consumer Contexts
Application of a sensemaking approach to ethics training in the physical sciences and engineering
Applying Research Findings to Enhance Pre-Practicum Ethics Training
Are these data real? Statistical methods for the detection of data fabrication in clinical trials
Artificial tracheas and severe research misconduct
Assessing the educational literature in the responsible conduct of research for core content.
Attempting to Assure Accuracy
Australian Codes for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Australian Guide to Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
Australian Research Council Research Integrity Policy
Austrian Agency for Research Integrity Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice
Author Misconduct: Not Just the Editors' Responsibility
Author accused of stealing research and publishing under their name
Author misconduct: Not just the editors' responsibility
Authors couldn’t find a patient to give consent for case report. Then the patient found the report.
Authorship Deserved, Not Earned: Research Ethics and Research Integrity Scenario
Authorship and Intellectual Property
Authorship and publication
Authorship in a Multi-Center Clinical Trial: the HF-ACTION Experience
Authorship in scholarly manuscripts: practical considerations for resident and early career physicians
Authorship: video
Author’s Permission Guidelines
Automatic plagiarism detection with PAIRwise 2.0.
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