Title (Instruction Step Title)
From The Embassy of Good Science
Learn about the approach of this guide +
Reflect on the goals of RCR education +
Preparation +
Learn about the case based approach +
Use the Bloom’s taxonomy +
Varieties of goodness in research - a rotary style exercise (variation to original VIRT2UE exercise)) +
Closing +
04 - Moral Case Deliberation: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity +
Evaluation +
Conclusion - 15 min +
Translate "Finishing up" +
Sonuçlar +
Sonuçlar – 15 dk. +
Konklusion +
Conclusions +
What Funders can do +
Evaluation +
Değerlendirme +
What Publishers and Editors can do +
Bottom-up fight against exploitation +
The San Code of Research Ethics +