
From The Embassy of Good Science
 Related ThemesRelated ResourcesRelated Instructions
Anonymous Authorship in Research: Ethical Concerns and Best Practices
Cognitive dissonance and moral distress
Collaborative working
Conflict of interests
Consent and Assent for Research on Children
Consent and assent in research on children
Data Practices and Management
Development and Value of National Research Integrity Codes
Dialogue versus debate
Dutch National Survey on Research Integrity
Epistemic virtues
Ethics in global digital psychiatry: balancing innovation and responsibility
Faking it in academia- the rise of authorship fraud
Gene Editing: Ethical Frontiers and Scientific Integrity
How to be a good lab partner
Mertonian norms
Moral conflict and moral dilemma
Peer review
Poor mentoring or supervision of early career researcherers
Preprint servers
Protecting research subjects
Qualitative research
Questionable Research Practices in Analysis and Reporting
Questionable Research Practices in Collaboration
Questionable Research Practices in Data Collection
Questionable Research Practices in Study Design
Replicability in the Humanities
Research culture
Research metrics
Research misconduct
Responsible mentoring
Telemedicine: Bridging Gaps or Creating New Challenges?
The Rise of Octopus Affiliation: Navigating Multiple Institutional Associations in Academic Publishing
The decision on ice
The ethical dilemmas of genome editing
Values and norms
Virtues in research integrity
Collaboration In Research
Cross-boundary collaborations
High income and low- and middle-income country collaborations
Conflict of interest in peer review
Conflict of interest: a research integrity and research ethics perspective
Editorial conflicts of interest
Intellectual conflicts of interest
The influence of pharmaceutical company on drug availability
Anonymisation and pseudonymisation
Data management plans
... further results

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