Long pages
From The Embassy of Good Science
50 s ordered by recently added
- (hist) Selecting Appropriate Material and Effectiveness Measurement Tools for your Target Audience [70,038 bytes]
- (hist) Teaching methods for strengthening research ethics and integrity [51,699 bytes]
- (hist) Using Different Learning Taxonomies [44,669 bytes]
- (hist) France [41,069 bytes]
- (hist) Introduction to the BEYOND Trainer Guide [36,598 bytes]
- (hist) Netherlands [32,980 bytes]
- (hist) Spain [32,929 bytes]
- (hist) Norway [32,199 bytes]
- (hist) Bulgaria [30,229 bytes]
- (hist) Lithuania [26,941 bytes]
- (hist) Orta Yol [26,425 bytes]
- (hist) Austria [25,570 bytes]
- (hist) Denmark [25,232 bytes]
- (hist) AboutCertifiedTrainers [25,110 bytes]
- (hist) Der Balanceakt [25,082 bytes]
- (hist) Finland [25,069 bytes]
- (hist) Erdemler ve Normlar [24,730 bytes]
- (hist) Moldova [24,492 bytes]
- (hist) Werte/Tugenden und Normen [24,310 bytes]
- (hist) The Middle Position [24,093 bytes]
- (hist) Münazara ve Diyalog [23,137 bytes]
- (hist) Uyarlanmış ikilem oyunu [22,793 bytes]
- (hist) Ireland [22,600 bytes]
- (hist) Virtues and Norms [21,760 bytes]
- (hist) Estonia [21,724 bytes]
- (hist) Luxembourg [21,698 bytes]
- (hist) Debatte und Dialog [20,630 bytes]
- (hist) Sweden [20,484 bytes]
- (hist) Greece [20,304 bytes]
- (hist) Modified Dilemma Game [20,248 bytes]
- (hist) Münazara ve Diyalog [19,910 bytes]
- (hist) Münazara ve Diyalog [19,859 bytes]
- (hist) Debate and Dialogue [18,680 bytes]
- (hist) Research Ethics And Integrity Basics [18,431 bytes]
- (hist) Gene Editing Case Study with Human Application [17,551 bytes]
- (hist) Croatia [16,656 bytes]
- (hist) Introduction to Research Integrity [15,638 bytes]
- (hist) Virtue Ethics under Current Research Conditions [15,086 bytes]
- (hist) Gene Editing: Exploring Ethical Challenges [15,072 bytes]
- (hist) Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity [14,818 bytes]
- (hist) Der Selbstauskunfts-Ansatz: Eine Reflexion über das Konzept des Guten in der Wissenschaft [13,328 bytes]
- (hist) Training Initiatives for Research Ethics and Integrity [12,945 bytes]
- (hist) Virtues in research integrity [12,765 bytes]
- (hist) Self Declaration Approach - a Reflection on the Varieties of Goodness in Research [12,110 bytes]
- (hist) 05 - REalistiC Decisions: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity [12,095 bytes]
- (hist) Exploring Specific Research Ethics and Integrity Topics [12,091 bytes]
- (hist) Terms of service [12,059 bytes]
- (hist) Hypothesizing after the results are known (HARKing) [11,724 bytes]
- (hist) Biobanking: a group reflection on ethical issues - using an imaginary line [11,436 bytes]
- (hist) Öz beyan yaklaşımı, araştırmada iyiliğin farklı şekilleri üzerine fikir yürütme [11,255 bytes]