Pages without language links
From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- Virtue Ethics under Current Research Conditions
- Training Initiatives for Research Ethics and Integrity
- Using Different Learning Taxonomies
- New Tools and Services for Reproducibility
- The Middle Position
- Biobanking: a group reflection on ethical issues - using an imaginary line
- Image Manipulation Detection - Exercises
- Exploring Training Materials on the Responsible Use of AI
- Integrity Games
- What is Research Integrity?
- Reflecting on Experiences and Practicing Exercises
- Gene Editing Case Study with Human Application
- Münazara ve Diyalog
- What is reproducibility?
- Self Declaration Approach - a Reflection on the Varieties of Goodness in Research
- Recognition and Networking
- Ara dönem uygulama çalışması
- Erdem etiği ve araştırma doğruluğu
- 02 - The Seven Steps Method: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity
- 05 - REalistiC Decisions: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity
- Introduction to Research Integrity
- ‘And the band played on’ movie fragment no. 3
- Münazara ve Diyalog
- Uyarlanmış ikilem oyunu
- Deneyimler üzerine fikir yürütme ve alıştırmaları uygulama
- Virtues and Norms
- Preparatory Reading: Introduction to Concepts & Themes
- Research Ethics And Integrity Basics
- Mind-mapping exercise: Instructions for training researchers about ethics issues on gene editing
- Learning Cards
- Introduction of Virtue Ethics to Research Integrity
- SPOC: Data in responsible conduct of research
- Quality of research outputs and data sets
- Exploring Case Studies
- Araştırma doğruluğu konusuna giriş
- Der Balanceakt
- Organizing the training
- SPOC: RCR through supervision and mentoring course
- INTEGRITY High School Research Integrity Course
- Responsible Research through supervision, mentoring and working together
- IRECS Training format (template)
- Interim Practice Work
- Modified Dilemma Game
- 01 - Value Analysis: A Method for Analysing Cases in Research Ethics and Research Integrity
- Expert Dialogues on Pandemic Preparedness
- Der Selbstauskunfts-Ansatz: Eine Reflexion über das Konzept des Guten in der Wissenschaft
- Debate and Dialogue
- The TRUST Code in 45 Minutes
- SPOC: Integrity in academic publication: authorship and peer review
- Research Ethics and Integrity: Governance and Processes