Pages without language links
From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- Digital humanities
- Inferring from P-values
- Secondary corrections
- Altmetrics
- Questionable Research Practices in Study Design
- Funding (Sponsorship) bias
- The Dilemma Game
- Hostile peer review
- Open Science
- Data Practices and Management
- Supervision
- How to select trustworthy repositories
- Internet Research Ethics
- Responsible Use of AI in Research: Balancing Innovation and Integrity
- Methods to increase data availability
- Empathy in History Research and Education
- Authorship criteria
- Hypothesizing after the results are known (HARKing)
- Research integrity officers in Europe
- Cognitive dissonance and moral distress
- Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC)
- Sharing and preserving data in repositories
- Vulnerable and non-competent subjects in clinical trials
- Research Integrity and Research Ethics Scenarios for Teaching
- High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science (HIRMEOS)
- Research with humans
- Replicability in the Humanities
- Gene Editing: Ethical Frontiers and Scientific Integrity
- Turning a blind eye to breaches of integrity
- Research with animals
- Intellectual conflicts of interest
- Industry funded research
- The ethical dilemmas of genome editing
- Research collaboration
- Publication bias (positive results)
- Inappropriate study design
- Research integrity in practice: dealing with everyday dilemmas
- Balancing harms and benefits
- Keeping inadequate notes of the research process
- Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA)
- Open peer review - transparent way of gatekeeping science
- Self-plagiarism
- Perverse incentives
- Informed assent
- Ethics in global digital psychiatry: balancing innovation and responsibility
- Fake peer-reviewing
- Responsible Research and Innovation - RRI
- Whistleblower protection/rights
- The ConScience App - theatre play
- Online Module: Responsible research and Peer Review