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From The Embassy of Good Science

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  1. Telemedicine: Bridging Gaps or Creating New Challenges?
  2. Plagiarism
  3. Falsification
  4. Preprint servers
  5. Peer Review in the Social Sciences and Humanities
  6. Open access publishing: the new norm?
  7. Journal Impact Factor based on the date of electronic publication
  8. Conflicts of interest in the review of grant proposals
  9. Research Integrity Committees
  10. Imputation of missing data in clinical trials
  11. FAIR principles: sharing data for maximisation of results
  12. Informed consent
  13. Eigenfactor
  14. Mental health in academia
  15. Institutional policies and procedures for research misconduct
  16. Editorial conflicts of interest
  17. Governance of research integrity: Options for a coordinated approach in Europe
  18. Supervision Guidelines
  19. Moral conflict and moral dilemma
  20. Informed consent in psychiatry
  21. Inaccurate representation of results in the media
  22. Reasonable standards for career advancement
  23. Image Integrity
  24. ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
  25. Serious gaming in research integrity education
  26. Non-reporting of negative findings
  27. Dilemmas in daily practice
  28. Data driven hypotheses without disclosure (‘HARKing’)
  29. Unfair reviewing
  30. Development and Value of National Research Integrity Codes
  31. Consent for publication (Author)
  32. Research misconduct
  33. Peer review
  34. SCImago Journal Rankings
  35. Conflict of interest: a research integrity and research ethics perspective
  36. Ethical issues in qualitative research
  37. Inadequately handle or store data or (bio)materials
  38. Cross-boundary collaborations
  39. Honorary or gift authorship
  40. Not asking permission from contributors for the wording of the acknowledgement
  41. Preregistration of animal study protocols
  42. Research Integrity lunch meetings
  43. Statistical pre-registration
  44. Research integrity training for PhD students
  45. Non-disclosure of changes to the research design
  46. Incidental research findings
  47. Respectable and honest supervision ensures responsible and ethical research in the future.
  48. Consent and assent in research on children
  49. Peer review card game
  50. Feedback of findings in genome-wide association studies
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