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From The Embassy of Good Science
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50 rwikis ordered by recently added
- Telemedicine: Bridging Gaps or Creating New Challenges?
- Plagiarism
- Falsification
- Preprint servers
- Peer Review in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- Open access publishing: the new norm?
- Journal Impact Factor based on the date of electronic publication
- Conflicts of interest in the review of grant proposals
- Research Integrity Committees
- Imputation of missing data in clinical trials
- FAIR principles: sharing data for maximisation of results
- Informed consent
- Eigenfactor
- Mental health in academia
- Institutional policies and procedures for research misconduct
- Editorial conflicts of interest
- Governance of research integrity: Options for a coordinated approach in Europe
- Supervision Guidelines
- Moral conflict and moral dilemma
- Informed consent in psychiatry
- Inaccurate representation of results in the media
- Reasonable standards for career advancement
- Image Integrity
- ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
- Serious gaming in research integrity education
- Non-reporting of negative findings
- Dilemmas in daily practice
- Data driven hypotheses without disclosure (‘HARKing’)
- Unfair reviewing
- Development and Value of National Research Integrity Codes
- Consent for publication (Author)
- Research misconduct
- Peer review
- SCImago Journal Rankings
- Conflict of interest: a research integrity and research ethics perspective
- Ethical issues in qualitative research
- Inadequately handle or store data or (bio)materials
- Cross-boundary collaborations
- Honorary or gift authorship
- Not asking permission from contributors for the wording of the acknowledgement
- Preregistration of animal study protocols
- Research Integrity lunch meetings
- Statistical pre-registration
- Research integrity training for PhD students
- Non-disclosure of changes to the research design
- Incidental research findings
- Respectable and honest supervision ensures responsible and ethical research in the future.
- Consent and assent in research on children
- Peer review card game
- Feedback of findings in genome-wide association studies