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From The Embassy of Good Science
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92 Instructions ordered by recently added

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Members of The Embassy of Good Science have developed a set of six user-friendly, accessible methods for analysing research ethics and research integrity cases. These methods have been identified, adapted and presented so that they can be appropriated by all users, without prior philosophical knowledge, in local contexts.
2 hour(s)
Participatory sessions, Case analysis method
Members of The Embassy of Good Science have developed a set of six user-friendly, accessible methods for analysing research ethics and research integrity cases. These methods have been identified, adapted and presented so that they can be appropriated by all users, without prior philosophical knowledge, in local contexts.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Case analysis method
Members of The Embassy of Good Science have developed a set of six user-friendly, accessible methods for analysing research ethics and research integrity cases. These methods have been identified, adapted and presented so that they can be appropriated by all users, without prior philosophical knowledge, in local contexts.
2 hour(s)
Case analysis method, Individual learning
Members of The Embassy of Good Science have developed a set of six user-friendly, accessible methods for analysing research ethics and research integrity cases. These methods have been identified, adapted and presented so that they can be appropriated by all users, without prior philosophical knowledge, in local contexts.
2 hour(s)
Case analysis method, Individual learning
Members of The Embassy of Good Science have developed a set of six user-friendly, accessible methods for analysing research ethics and research integrity cases. These methods have been identified, adapted and presented so that they can be appropriated by all users, without prior philosophical knowledge, in local contexts.
2 hour(s)
Case analysis method, Individual learning
Members of The Embassy of Good Science have developed a set of six user-friendly, accessible methods for analysing research ethics and research integrity cases. These methods have been identified, adapted and presented so that they can be appropriated by all users, without prior philosophical knowledge, in local contexts.
2 hour(s)
Case analysis method, Individual learning
This module presents a training activity which can be done with pariticipants to reflect on AI in Healthcare.
2 hour(s)
6 - 30
Blended learning, Role Play
Bu bölümde bulunan talimatlar, katılımcılara (yüz yüze) grup oturumları arasında yapılması gereken çalışmaları nasıl organize edecekleri hususunda bilgi vermektedir.
25 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Bu modülde, araştırma doğruluğuyla ilgili genel ilkelere giriş yapılmakta, Araştırmalarda Dürüstlük Konusunda Avrupa Davranış Kodu (ECoC)’nun çizdiği kılavuz niteliğindeki çerçeve açıklanmakta ve sizden ECoC’u kendi karşılaştığınız durumlara uyarlamanız istenmektedir.
1 hour(s)
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Understand the concept of conflict of interest and how to deal with it, and b) Recognise and disclose financial and non-financial conflicts of interest in the context of citizen science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
This exercise helps participants to identify the features of, and differences between, debate and dialogue. Participants become aware of the strengths of dialogue as a tool for reflection processes.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Diese Übung hilft den Teilnehmenden, die Merkmale und Unterschiede zwischen einer Debatte und einem Dialog zu erkennen. Sie lernen, dass der Dialog ein wertvolles Werkzeug für Reflexionsprozesse ist.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Bu bölümde bulunan talimatlar, katılımcılara VIRT2UE eğitiminin ikinci (yüz yüze) grup oturumu için nasıl hazırlanacakları ve bu oturumda neler yapacakları hususunda bilgi vermektedir.
8 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Kann man zu ehrlich sein? Diese Übung hilft den Teilnehmenden, moralische Sensibilität in Bezug auf jene Werte und Tugenden zu entwickeln, die grundlegend im Zusammenhang mit Research Integrity stehen. Die Übung fördert insbesondere die Reflexion über die moralische Ambiguität, die bestimmten Werten und Tugenden innewohnt.
2 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Diese Übung fördert die Reflexion über das Konzept des Guten und dessen Anwendung im wissenschaftlichen Kontext
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
The “Diner Pensant – Tasteful conversations to empower good practices in science” is a workshop method to promote a food for thought critical reflection about good and bad scientific practices, in a relaxing, interactive, and enjoyable atmosphere.
3 hour(s)
Face to Face
Bu bölümde bulunan talimatlar, sizi VIRT2UE araştırma doğruluğu karma öğrenme programının ilk (yüz yüze) grup oturumlarına hazırlamaktadır.
18 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Bu modülde, erdem etiği konusuna giriş yapılmakta ve erdem etiğinin araştırma doğruluğuyla olan ilişkisi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Eğitimi alan kişilerden, yeni edindikleri bilgilerle ilgili olarak kendilerini değerlendirmeleri, öğrenilen kavramları interaktif alıştırmalarda kullanmaları ya da daha önceki deneyimlerine dayanarak bu kavramların kendi günlük araştırma pratikleriyle olan ilişkisi üzerine fikir yürütmeleri ve yorumlamalarda bulunmaları istenmektedir.
1 hour(s)
Bu alıştırma, erdemlerin eylem normları ile ilişkilendirilerek gerçek yaşamda karşılaşılan ikilemlerde uygulanması için farklı yöntemlerin geliştirilmesine ve gerçek bir RI ikileminin diyalog yoluyla farklı perspektiflerden yorumlanmasına yardımcı olmaktadır.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Via this module learners gain an understanding of the principles and values of open science, including its ethical foundations and societal benefits.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
In the below videos, you can watch annotated webinars from the PREPARED project meetings in Bonn and in Paris.
2 hour(s)
This module introduces a rnage of different case studies developed by EU-funded initatives that can be used to stimulate reflection on the application of different ethical principles.
1 hour(s)
This module presents a collection of existing training materials on research integrity and ethics, developed by various EU-funded initiatives.
1 hour(s)
This module explores training materials produced by EU-funded projects on the topic of Open Science.
1 hour(s)
This module introduces different guidelines on the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research.
1 hour(s)
Burada bulunan talimatlar size bir VIRT2UE eğitimini organize ederken takip etmeniz gereken adımlara ilişkin genel bir çerçeve sunmaktadır.
9 hour(s)
Blended learning
The aim of this module is to facilitate reflection upon the ethics issues associated with the development and use of gene editing in humans.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

  1. Identify and analyse the ethics issues and dilemmas associated with an example research proposal.
  2. Make suggestions for how the ethics issues might be addressed.
  3. Identify ethics guidelines and policies that are relevant to the proposed research.

Video Transcript

In humans, gene therapy via gene editing is a rapidly growing field of research with many potential benefits for health and wellbeing. It involves the editing of genes to modify or knock out specific genes to achieve desired traits, to correct genetic defects, to treat or prevent disease, or to enhance cellular functions.

In this module we consider an example proposal for a research project that is based upon a real-world study. The study aims to trial gene therapy for Hunter syndrome in a small group of young children.  As you work through the module, we invite you to consider the ethics issues that are associated with this type of study from a variety of perspectives as well as how they might be addressed. We begin with some information about the disease.

1 hour(s)
This module introduces the ethical challenges in gene editing. Using real life cases, it aims to encourage reflection on ethical issues related to this technology.
3 hour(s)
This module provides an overview of the different functionalities available to users of the Embassy, with videos showing you how you can contribute!
1 hour(s)
This course aims to empower students with knowledge that underlies principles of accuracy, honesty, reproducibility, responsibility and transparency.
20 hour(s)
Face to Face
This trainig template supports IRECS trainers in the organization and planning of topical sessions for specific target groups on the content presented in the IRECS modules on Biobanking, AI health, Virtual reality and Gene editing.
3 hour(s)
After completing this section of the course you will:
  • Have learned more about the various types and spread of Image Manipulation in research.
  • Have learned why it is considered a serious research misconduct.
  • Have practiced spotting some examples of Image Manipulation for yourself.
1 hour(s)
Integrity Games is a research based learning platform on academic integrity. It is designed to spark interest, reflection and learning through four gamified cases and a library of central concepts.
0.5 hour(s)
These instructions provide information on how to organize the work in between (face to face) group sessions.
25 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
This module presents training materials on research ethics and integrity for various target audiences, developed by several EU-funded initiatives.
1 hour(s)
This series of eLearning modules provides an introduction to virtue ethics, and highlights the relevance of virtue ethics for research integrity. Learners are invited to self-assess newly gained knowledge, relate and apply the concepts in reflexive exercises, or reflect on the relevance of these concepts for their daily research practice by drawing upon their prior experience.
1 hour(s)
This series of eLearning modules provides an introduction to the main principles of research integrity, describes the guidance outlined in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ECoC), and asks you to apply the ECoC to your own context.
1 hour(s)
This series of eLearning modules highlights the relevance of supervision, mentoring, and role-modeling in research environments and provides definitions of roles and their corresponding responsibilities.
1 hour(s)
This module introduces the content and approach of the BEYOND Trainer Guide and provides guidance for developing learning goals and evaluation strategies.
1 hour(s)
Bu bölümde bulunan talimatlar size VIRT2UE eğitiminde üzerinde durulan kavram ve konulara aşinalık kazanmanızı sağlayacak okuma ve ödevlere ilişkin genel bilgiler sunmaktadır.
3 hour(s)
Blended learning, Individual learning
Find out about learning cards as a training material that can be used to teach trainees within or outside an academic setting.
1 hour(s)
This module explores a collection of different research ethics and integrity games that can be used to deepen engagement and reflection.
1 hour(s)
This module presents training materials on responsible supervision and mentorship for various target audiences, developed by several EU-funded initiatives.
1 hour(s)
The MOOC course aims at helping PhD candidates to overcome common difficulties in the area of research integrity and to provide ideas on how to become a responsible researcher, who feels empowered by knowledge of integrity.
7 hour(s)
eLearning, Individual learning
Bu modülde halihazırda hâkim olan araştırma kültürünün, erdem etiği yaklaşımını baltalayacak koşullar oluşturabileceği ve araştırmacıların ahlaki açıdan uygun olmayan davranışlar geliştirmesine yol açabileceği yönündeki kaygıların üzerinde durulacaktır.
1 hour(s)
This exercise supports participants in identifying research integrity principles, virtues and questionable research practices in a hypothetical case. It provides a framework to consider, choose and defend alternative courses of action regarding realistic research integrity dilemmas.
2 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Bu alıştırma, katılımcıların münazara ve diyalog yöntemlerinin ayırt edici özelliklerini ve bu iki yöntem arasındaki farkları anlamalarına ve fikir yürütme süreçlerinde kullanılan bir araç olarak diyaloğun kuvvetli ve kullanışlı yanlarını fark etmelerine yardımcı olmaktadır.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Bu alıştırma, katılımcıların münazara ve diyalog yöntemlerinin ayırt edici özelliklerini ve bu iki yöntem arasındaki farkları anlamalarına ve fikir yürütme süreçlerinde kullanılan bir araç olarak diyaloğun kuvvetli ve kullanışlı yanlarını fark etmelerine yardımcı olmaktadır.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Bu alıştırma, katılımcıların münazara ve diyalog yöntemlerinin ayırt edici özelliklerini ve bu iki yöntem arasındaki farkları anlamalarına ve fikir yürütme süreçlerinde kullanılan bir araç olarak diyaloğun kuvvetli ve kullanışlı yanlarını fark etmelerine yardımcı olmaktadır.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
TIER2 aims to better understand the causes, consequences and possible solutions of perceived poor levels of reproductivity of research across research contexts. With a focus on social, life, and computer sciences, as well as research publishers and funders, the project aims to increase awareness, build capacity, and propose innovative solutions sensitive to varied research cultures. Central to its approach are eight Pilot activities designed to develop, implement, and evaluate new reproducibility-related tools and practices.
1 hour(s)
This instruction provides you with an overview of all the necessary steps that you will need to take to organize a VIRT2UE training.
9 hour(s)
Blended learning
Gereğinden fazla dürüst olmak diye bir şey mümkün müdür? Bu alıştırma, araştırma doğruluğu (AD) ile alakalı temel erdemlere ilişkin ahlaki duyarlılık geliştirmeye yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu alıştırmada özellikle belirli erdemlerin doğasında var olan ahlaki muğlaklık ve bu muğlaklığın somut araştırma pratiklerinde kendini nasıl gösterdiği üzerinde durulmaktadır.
2 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
These instructions prepare you to experience the first (face to face) group sessions of the VIRT2UE blended learning program on research integrity.
18 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
These instructions provide an overview of the readings and assignments introducing the concepts and issues addressed in the VIRT2UE training.
3 hour(s)
Blended learning, Individual learning
The VIRT2UE project has developed videos introducing the concept of Research Integrity. These are available on The Embassy youtube channel.
0.5 hour(s)
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Identify potential risks to human research participants within the context of citizen science, and b) Understand strategies to minimize risks to research participants when practising citizen science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After completing this module learners will be able to understand the importance of the quality of data sets and research outputs and their responsible use in open science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After receiving your certificate, you will receive an invitation to register as a Research Integrity expert on the ENERI e-Community so you can be easily identified as a VIRT2UE trainer.
0.5 hour(s)
These instructions provide you with information on how to prepare and experience the second (face to face) group session of the VIRT2UE training.
8 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
The aim

To provide learners from different backgrounds and disciplines with an overview of the primary ethics and integrity issues in research

The learning outcomes

At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of ethics and integrity in research.
  2. Describe a range of ethics and integrity issues that can be associated with different types of research.
  3. Summarise the primary ethics issues raised by research with human participants.
3 hour(s)
This module provides an overview of interactive games on topics relating to research integrity and research ethics, which can be used to deepen engagement with topics in the context of research ethics and integrity.
1 hour(s)
The goal of this course is that PhD candidates learn how and why supervision, mentoring and collaboration are key ingredients to support Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR). At the end of the course PhD candidates will be better prepared to recognize and constructively deal with challenges that they can face when collaborating with others during their PhD research.
12.5 hour(s)
eLearning, Participatory sessions
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Comprehend the role of citizen science in identifying and addressing scientific problems and societal challenges, and b) Recognize the right of citizen scientists to be acknowledged by academic scientists and society.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
After completing this module learners will be able to: a) Understand the risks to the environment, plants, animals, and ecosystems in the context of citizen science and b) Understand how to minimize risks to the environment, plants, animals, and ecosystems when practising citizen science.
2 hour(s)
Individual learning, Blended learning
The Data in responsible conduct of research course is designed to highlight which integrity issues can rise during a research project and to promote RCR.
6 hour(s)
The Integrity in academic publication: authorship and peer review course aims to stimulate PhD candidates to become aware of relevant issues in their academic publishing practice and ways to approach them. During this course PhD candidates will reflect on ways to be good authors and fair reviewers.
10 hour(s)
The RCR through supervision and mentoring course is designed to stimulate supervisors to become aware of which issues are relevant in supervising and mentoring. More specifically, mentors will get a chance to reflect on research integrity within their own research practice.
3 hour(s)
This module gives an overview of tools and resources that can be used to tailor your research integrity training to your audience and measure its effectiveness.
2 hour(s)
This exercise fosters reflection on the concept of goodness and how it applies in the context of research.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Bu bölümde bulunan talimatlar, katılımcılara VIRT2UE eğitim sertifikasını nasıl alacakları hususunda bilgi vermektedir.
1 hour(s)
Blended learning
This module provides a state-of-the art overview of methods and approaches to teaching, which according to extant research, are appropriate to support learning in the context of research ethics and integrity.
1 hour(s)
The Embassy of Good Science offers to the community the first issue of the newsletter in July 2021. Here you will find the most relevant news and announcements. Concretely, the first newsletter highlights the initiatives of VIRT2UE trainers from Latvia, Ireland and the UK. Their experiences related and initiatives related to the Train-the-Trainer program are available below.
0.5 hour(s)
Can you be too honest? This exercise helps to develop moral sensitivity with respect to basic virtues related to research integrity. In particular, it fosters reflection on the inherent moral ambiguity of specific virtues and how this ambiguity looks like in real-life research practice.
2 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
This short course provides an introduction to the TRUST code, a Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships.
0.75 hour(s)
This module introduces different trainings on research ethics and research integrity developed by EU funded initiatives for a range of different target groups and topics.
1 hour(s)
The VIRT2UE materials are CC BY 4.0 licensed. We encourage you to use them, adapt them, and translate them into your own language.

On this page we provide instructions about how to translate the subtitles of the VIRT2UE e-learning modules.

Each course comprises of one ore more eLearning modules, of which links to documents containing the subtitles are listed separately.
30 hour(s)
The VIRT2UE materials are CC BY 4.0 licensed. We encourage you to use them, adapt them, and translate them into your own language. On this page we provide instructions about how to translate the VIRT2UE training guide.
30 hour(s)
This module provides guidance on how to use the Bloom, SOLO and Significant Learning (Fink's) taxonomies for the creation of effective and impactful learning objectives.
2 hour(s)
This module  introduces a collection of learning cards developed by the EU funded initiative Path2Integrity, which can be used as an interactive tool to teach research ethics and integrity.
1 hour(s)
Bu alıştırma, katılımcıların bir vaka bağlamında araştırma doğruluğu (AD) ile ilgili prensipleri, erdemleri ve kusurlu davranışları belirleyebilmesine yardımcı olmakta ve araştırma doğruluğuyla ilgili olarak ortaya çıkabilecek gerçekçi ikilemlerle karşı karşıya kalındığında benimsenecek alternatif eylem tarzlarını düşünme, seçme ve savunma olanağı veren bir çerçeve sunmaktadır.
2 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
These instructions provide information on how to obtain the VIRT2UE training certificate.
1 hour(s)
Blended learning
The VIRT2UE project has developed videos demonstrating the participation exercises. These are available on The Embassy youtube channel.
1 hour(s)
A number of videos have been developed by the VIRT2UE project. These are available on The Embassy YouTube channel
5 hour(s)
See the original version of the exercise.
1 hour(s)
Participatory sessions
This series of eLearning modules fosters reflection on the current research culture and conditions that undermine values inherent in the scientific endeavour and make it more likely that researchers develop some vices.
1 hour(s)
This exercise helps participants to develop approaches for implementing virtues in real life dilemmas by relating virtues to norms of action. Participants reflect on a real research integrity dilemma from different perspectives by means of dialogue.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
Diese Übung soll den Teilnehmenden dabei helfen, Ansätze für den Umgang mit moralischen Dilemmata in alltäglichen Situationen zu entwickeln. In der Übung werden dafür Werte und Tugenden mit Handlungsnormen in Verbindung gebracht. Die Teilnehmenden reflektieren im Dialog über ein reales Dilemma aus dem Wissenschaftsalltag aus verschiedenen Perspektiven.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
  • To gain an understanding of what is meant by "Research Integrity".
2 hour(s)
This module provides an in-depth introduction to reproducibility through the work of TIER2 and iRise. The purpose and concept of reproducibility is introduced, working definitions are provided for important concepts in relation to reproducibility and replicability, and the futures of reproducibility and illustrated from the perspective of different stakeholders.
2 hour(s)
Conceptions, roles & pertinence of reproducibility are closely linked to different principal modes of knowledge production within & across research fields, so-called ‘epistemic contexts’. TIER2 mapped the contextual factors to various dimensions of ‘reproducibility’, as well as pertinent framework conditions (e.g., political, ethical, social, legal) that may affect the uptake of reproducibility practices in qualitative and machine learning fields. The literature reviews enabled analyses of diverse conceptions, roles & barriers of reproducibility & permits identification of relevant & targeted tools.
1 hour(s)
Bu alıştırma, iyilik kavramı ve bu kavramın araştırma konusundaki yeri üzerine fikir yürütmeyi teşvik etmektedir.
1 hour(s)
Face to Face, Participatory sessions
See the related instruction on the full workshop using movie fragments (general approach).
1 hour(s)
Participatory sessions, Face to Face
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